Part 18 - That's how passes away glory of this world

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Location: USA; Unknown place

Date: 7th July 2022

Your POV:
I woke up in Site-17, aware of what was happening. I could already feel how this world's time was coming to an end, just like I felt before travelling back in time. To prevent further travels into the past, Foundation downgraded SCP-2003 back to its original state, as it was pointless to postpone the inevitable. I slowly stood up and went to a bathroom, in order to take a shower. Every time when I took it, I felt relieved, but now, neither cold or warm water was able to help me get rid of my stress, caused by the knowledge me and everyone else were going to die today.

Having dressed up I went to the cafeteria, and the time I spent to get there felt like eternity. All corridors were completely empty and I have already abandoned my hope, but after an extremely long time I finally arrived and found four people sitting around one table. I immediately recognized Cain, Abel and Iris, and after a brief analysis I quickly found out, the fourth person was Myung-Ok. I ran to them and asked her:

- Why did you come back?! You had a chance to save yourself!

- I have already warned my world about what was happening in here, but decided to spend these last moments with you.

- But then you are going to die too...

- It doesn't matter. - She said after turning around. - I had too many good moments with you guys to abandon you at the last day.

All of us stayed silent for over three minutes, before Cain finally said:

- Alright, I doubt you want to spend your last moments in this facility, so how about we go somewhere else?

- For example where?

- I don't know Abel, I thought you guys would give me some ideas.

- How about we go to a cinema to watch a movie? - I proposed after few seconds.

- Is there even a good film in there, or are there only bad ones?

- There are two, which are definitely worth seeing before the entire world ends.
Iris and Abel agreed immediately, while Cain and Myung-Ok made their decision few seconds later, and after leaving the famous Site-17 and entering my car once again, we started driving in the direction of the nearest cinema. As it turned out, tickets for one of those movies were still available and without hesitation I bought them for all of us, and as an addition we also got ourselves a bag of pop-corn for each person except Cain, who refused to take it because of his ability. With all of this, we entered the room and started waiting for the movie to begin.

Olivia's POV:
Time was slowly passing away, and humanity in there didn't have much left. Everyone was destined to die in there, as machine was bounded to the universe. My powers were limited, however it didn't prevent me from continuing with my plan. I knew exactly what to do, no matter the cost, but while I was preparing everything, I have heard a door opening and saw somebody I instantly recognized.

- I didn't expect you in here 343. - I said after turning around and looking at him. - But I am glad to see you.

- I am happy to see you too Olivia. - He responded while slowly approaching me. - Is everything ready?

- Almost everything, I still have to finish one more thing though.

- Annihilation is going to start at 7:34 p.m., will you be able to do it on time?

- Without any problems, because I know exactly what to do.

- Excellent, I am proud of you Olivia.

- Thank you... father...

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