Part 3 - Finding our destination

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Location: Japan, Site-47

Date: 7th July 2021

Your POV: After everyone had landed, we approached Cain in order to check, if he was still alive after this fall. Thankfully, his abilities protected him from dying and getting wounded, however it took him almost four minutes before he managed to stand up and explain to us everything that happened in the air.

Apparently, his first parachute did not open, which forced him to use the secondary one. It worked out, and he has been slowly falling on the ground, when suddenly a propeller flew in his direction at high speed, cutting through all ropes and separating him from his only way of safe landing. This resulted in him falling down on the ground with a high velocity from over 600 meters.

While we were wondering, how was it possible, that a propeller flew in his direction, Abel told us his point of view. Before he jumped out, he aimed the helicopter at nearby forest in order not to kill anyone, and then cut off propeller which flew somewhere and made the helicopter fall down. Cain was furious, because if this happened to somebody else and not him, they would have certainly died.

He wanted to give Abel an unforgettable lesson about changing rotary motion into linear motion, but due to the fact, that world was going to end soon, we prevented him from doing that.

- Does anyone have any idea, where in this facility we can find SCP-2003? - I asked while wondering, if we had enough time to check the entire facility.

- As long as they didn't change corridors in this facility, I should be able to bring us there. - Cain said while recalling map of this facility in his mind.

He opened the door and we entered the famous Site-47. From the outside, it looked like an ordinary refinery, but when we stepped in, we were able to observe an entire facility similiar to Site-17, but with different containment cells and corridors. While in Site-17 everything was painted with a slightly grayish colour, in Site-47 walls have been covered in reddish, corrosive paint, which looked like a massive execution was made in here long time ago and until now nobody cleaned the blood from walls.

There were not many containment cells, mainly because it was an armed facility, not designated for containing SCPs, but rather for different purposes. I had no idea why this facility was created nor why walls were so terrifying, but I knew, that SCP-2003 was somewhere in here, and we had to find it before everything collapses.

Our time was limited, but none of us knew, how much time we had. We expected, that with all the time we wasted, we had maybe two hours remaining before Earth gets destroyed. From what Cain said, annihilation of Earth would happen quicker than destruction of the entire universe, because all living beings have to die first, and then everything would merge together and create a singularity in the center of our reality.

According to Cain's memory, we were slowly approaching SCP-2003, but unfortunately we met an obstacle on our way. A door leading to the containment chamber was blocked by a door, which was locked with a 10-digit code. Abel approached the door, typed "0123456789" and pressed the green button, hoping that Foundation didn't bother with creating a complicated password, but unfortunately his code wasn't accepted.

- I should have expected that Foundation's security is not that easy to bypass. - Abel said with a neutral face of displeasure.

I approached the door and looked at the keyboard, hoping to find a hint, which would help us, but except ten keys from zero to nine, I didn't find anything.

Cain came closer and inspected the door from each side. He found small engravings at the bottom of the door with initials of the person, who was responsible for them. Having analysed them, he turned around and said:

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