Part 4 - Investigation

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Location: Japan, Site-47

Date: 3rd March 2022

Your POV:
I woke up in a small, uncomfortable bed. Having opened my eyes I realised, I was trapped inside a small cell with a sink, a bed and a toilet, but without any windows. I tried to recall my memories, and after few seconds I knew exactly what happened.

Our plan was a success, and we managed to go back in time, but we landed inside their facility while it was still active, and now we were contained by them. I hoped, that their cells were at least slightly better than mine, but something in my head was telling me, that their situation was even worse, since they were SCPs.

I approached the sink and took a sip of water, which was clear and surprisingly tasty. I expected it to be dirty, since my cell was most likely a cell designed for prisoners, but to my surprise, it tasted better than water in bottles which I would usually buy in a shop.

While I was drinking, the door leading to my cell opened, which made me jump up in fear, and douse myself in water. I quickly looked at the door and saw two guards looking at me, while one of them said:

- Follow us, and don't try anything stupid.

They were waiting for me to step outside, so reluctantly I left the cell and followed them through the corridors. It was odd to see this place filled with people, when few hours ago all of these corridors were empty. But was it really few hours ago? For me it may have happened in the past, but when I thought about that, everything I have experienced never happened in this timeline. If we truely went back in time, then all of our actions haven't happened yet.

It was weird to think, that my past actions happened in the future, but at the same time I couldn't exclude the possibility of splitting the timeline. If that was the case, then either my timeline got erased because of that, or it caused the past to mix with the future, which I couldn't imagine.

It took us few minutes, before we arrived at our destination. Guards opened the door and ordered me to get inside, and willingly or not, I had to do that. Having entered the room, the door closed behind me and I knew that there was no turning back. I took a deep breath and approached a scientist in front of me, who had a pile of documents ready. I saw on the second chair, looked at him and asked, if I did something wrong. He pulled out a recorder, turned it on and spoke:

- Interview has began.

After that he looked at me and said:

- Mrs Y/N L/N, we want you to answer few questions, related to the recent incident with SCP-2003. Don't hide anything from us, because we will find the truth sooner or later. Is that clear?

- It is, but how do you know my name? - I asked surprised.

- As you already know, we are the SCP Foundation, and we have access to almost every data in this world, and because of that, it wasn't a problem to find every piece of data about you. Your name, surname, phone number, e-mail adress, we know everything, and due to that I will repeat myself. Do not hide the truth from us, because we will find out.

- I... I understand.

- Excellent. First question, how did you find out about our existance? Nobody from your relatives works for us, and none of your friends knows that we are real.

- Everything happened at 7th July 2022. Something weird was happening with this world. Flowers began growing around the entire planet, while scientists found unknown tectonic tremors inside our planet. After I heard about that, I went for a walk and accidentally found Cain, who was hiding inside a forest.

- Are you talking about SCP-073? The guy with a symbol on his forehead?

- Yes, exactly. He tried to run away but I followed him and found other SCPs hiding deep in the dark. Since there was no turning back, Cain told me that the entire universe is ending, but together we found a way to earn some time. We travelled back to Site-17 and used a helicopter to get into this place. After that we tried to find SCP-2003, and when we did that, we activated it with a nuclear bomb, which allowed us to go back in time and land in here.

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