Part 1 - Beginning

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Location: United States of America

Date: 7th July 2021

Your POV:
I woke up in my bed at 6 a.m. when the sunlight managed to sneak between my Venetian blinds and shine into my closed and sleepy eyes. This was the first day after I had graduated from the High School and taken my diploma, even though we have already finished school few weeks ago. However, unluckily for me, this world would not allow me to take a rest after yesterday's party. We had been celebrating the end of the final school year for many hours before I left it and went back home and lied in my comfortable, white bed. Now, when I was awake, I was recalling those memories with a smile on my face.

I stood up and grabbed new, fresh clothes from my wardrobe. The smell of my sweat from the previous day was unbearable, and I had to get rid of it as soon as possible. With those clothes, I had gone to the bathroom and had put them on a radiator, before taking off mine. I threw them to the washing machine and entered the bathtub to cover myself in hot water with foam.

I have grabbed an apple shampoo and used it to clean myself from the smell of diety, yesterday's outfit, refresh myself and apparently, completly wake up, because a small amount of the cleaning mixture managed to sneak into my right eye and cause an unpleasant itching. After all those years I was already used to this feeling, but I would always get mad when it happened to me.

After taking the bath and rinsing the eye with cold water from a sink, I put on fresh wear and went to the kitchen to eat breakfast. I tried to be as quiet as possible, because the entire house was silent, and I didn't want to change it by accidentally waking somebody up. Having grabbed a bottle of milk from the fridge, some cereals from the cupboard and a fresh bowl from the sink, I have made myself a meal and sat with it at the table.

However, it didn't take a long time before my brother woke up and approached me.

- Have you made the cereals the wrong way again? - He asked with his curious voice.

- I told you so many times brother, that you should start with cereals, and then add milk to them. - I answered to him.

- And I have told you so many times, that the correct way is adding milk first, and then cereals! If you do it the opposite way, they will become wet and squishy! - He said with annoyed voice.

- Thanks to that I don't have to wake up everyone in this house by munching on dry cereals!

Suddenly our mother entered the kitchen and looked at us.

- Are you arguing about the cereals again? It is just a breakfast. - She said while trying to prevent herself from laughing.

- Yes, we are arguing because my sister is making an obvious mistake while preparing such an easy dish like cereals with milk. - My brother exclaimed.

- Both of you are adults already, find yourselves a different hobby than annoying each other. For example, look through the window. The entire world looks beautiful today!

We did as she said, and having looked at our garden we have realised, that many bright and beautiful flowers have risen up during the night. All trees, which often had few to no apples at all, now were full of big fruits, which looked way more appetizing than all GMO products in a shop. All of this looked great, somebody could even say, that something was up with all of that.

While I was wondering, how all of this flora appeared, we have heard an announcement in the television.

- Now, because of the fact, that all of those prisoners declared, that they have changed, most of prisons decided to give them a chance and released them for one week, so they can enjoy their lives in this world. We have no idea, what caused this phenomenon, but we have our reasons to believe, that newly discovered waves from the center of our planet is responsible for that. At this moment, our scientists are still analysing tectonic movements and underground tremors, but nobody knows how they are made nor why they have appeared.

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