Part 6 - Operation Mushroom and Abel's confession

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Locations: Moskow, Russia; Site-██, Poland; Site-██, Germany
Date: 5th March 2022 - 11th March 2022

Your POV:
Since the official order from O5 council told us to begin our preparations from 6th March, we decided to enjoy our short holidays in Moskow. We spent the entire day sightseing and taking pictures of the city, while making sure, that nobody will find out, who we are.

Me and Iris didn't have any problems with that. I wasn't an SCP and I didn't have to hide anything, while Iris only had to make sure not to take any pictures herself. She also couldn't manipulate those which were taken by us, but she was able to do that without any problems. Myung-Ok had to hide her tails under her clothing and ears with a hat. Olivia tried her best not to change anything in the reality by accident, and thankfully she didn't bend the time-space continuum.

Cain and Abel were in the worst situation, because they had the most visible anomalous features. Abel was able to cover his tattoos with a long blouse and a layer of make-up powder, while Cain did the same, but additionally had to put on gloves in order to hide his hands.

Thanks to that we spent the entire day without anyone noticing that something was wrong, and we even managed to dodge a bullet when we passed near an SCP event. It was organized by fans, who were making cosplays in order to have some fun. Abel took a picture with one of them cosplaying as Cain and standing next to the real one, without realising anything. Cain took the picture and told us, that he will keep it for himself as a souvenir.

However at 8 p.m. guards brought us back to the helicopter and we started flying in the direction of our target. It took some time, but eventually we landed in Polish facility, while staff began flying over the area and dropping amnestics in the nearby area, where people could have seen  our helicopter. It had to be done because civilians couldn't find out where we landed.

Almost everyone left the helicopter immidiately after it landed, but I quickly realised that Olivia was still inside and fell asleep during the flight. Without hesitation I took her on my arms and brought in the direction of a nearby bedroom, where she could get some good sleep.

Having done that I went to another room and immidiately lied on the bed, because I was tired after the flight, but despite lack of energy, it took me over half an hour to fall asleep.

During the next day we called facilities in Germany and Czech Republic, and made a plan to evacuate all of our personel to them. Thankfully scientists and IT staff didn't create any problems, but class D personel turned out to be more problematic that I thought.

Most of them were people sentenced to death, and after all this time in the facility they didn't want to waste an opportunity of escaping from this place. While guards were bringing them to a helicopter, they immidiately began running away as fast as they could. Everything was happening outside of the facility, which forced guards to open fire immidiately. Without a warning, they began shooting at all escaping D-class.

Dozens of dead bodies were falling on the floor while blood from them painted the ground red. Pools of blood were everywhere and I was watching this scared, without any possibility to react or change anything. Every single class D personel was trying to escape, but it took guards only fifteen seconds before all of them got terminated. Suits, which one minute ago used to be orange but slightly used, now had more of a scarlet colour and multiple holes in them, which made every single body look like a painted Swiss cheese.

I didn't know how to react nor what to do, but Abel grabbed my shoulder and told me to follow him. I did as he said, and despite being terrified after seeing the massacre, I slowly went back into the facility, where Abel brought me to a machine with a monochrome digital screen. I quickly realised what that was and looked at it with anger.

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