Part 19 - Explanation

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Location: Unknown place

Date: 8th July 2022

Your POV:
In terror we were watching how our world got destroyed, while Olivia looked like she was enjoying the show. A huge smile was visible on her face, and she was eating popcorn, while everything was getting annihilated, without any remorse. This scared not only me, but also biblical brothers, Iris and Myung-Ok, who were watching it with us. When the machine stopped displaying its inscription, Olivia zoomed out the perspective as far as possible, allowing us to see the entire universe at once.

Without hesitation, she pulled her hands into the screen and the entire room started shaking, while she was covering the entire universe with her magic. After just a brief moment, she had access to everything, and immediately she began crushing it with her own hands. Just like all stars and planets were approaching the singularity, Olivia was annihilating the rest of this universe, which by now was a completely empty place with only the fabric of time and space remaining.

None of us dared to try and stop her, and the screen was slowly zooming in, as everything was getting closer and closer to the black hole and the machine, and after just few minutes, the universe stopped shrinking, as an invisible force was preventing Olivia from achieving her goal. However, she didn't stop, and used more power in order to get as close to that machine as it was possible, and when we were able to see it and the singularity on the screen, we were shocked it didn't pull her hands into its gravity.

Little did we know, it was already over for that machine, and Olivia used everything she had, to push it straight into the singularity. It started collapsing, and surprisingly for us it was unable to regenerate like it did from a nuke or other termination attempts. The machine started losing its integrity, and with a little help of Olivia's magic, it shattered into pieces which fell into the black hole.

But she didn't stop there. To make sure it wouldn't come back, she shrank the universe even further, ultimately collecting the entire mass, all matter and fabric of time and space in one, single place, which started glowing. From yellowish orange it turned into red, white, and finally it started melting. For her it was enough. She released her magic and instantly pulled out her hands from the screen, allowing us to fully see an explosion so powerful and immense, that humanity would never be able to achieve something like that, even with our self-destructive abilities.

While all of us were shocked with this, Cain immediately realised what was that. A Big Bang, completely from scratch, caused by combining every single thing from the entire universe in one place, and then releasing it after it heats up. Universe has started all over again, and we wanted to celebrate, when we realised Olivia fell on the floor unconscious.

- Olivia! - I screamed when I saw her. - Is she...

- She is alive. - Myung-Ok said after checking her heart beat. - However I cannot access her consciousness for some reason, like she is not in her body...

Olivia's POV:
I found myself in a red corridor. Faces, which felt familiar, were observing me with disgust while I was slowly marching towards the throne of somebody, who I wished I would never have to see again. Scarlet King.

- You failed me! - He screamed at me while his army was slowly pulling out their swords and guns. - Why did you decide to help those pathetic humans?!

- Because I am one of them. - I responded without hesitation.

- No, you are not! You are one of us, a destroyer, a person who should be feared!

- Sorry to disappoint you then, but I will never follow any of your orders. You are, like my brother said, disgusting.

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