Chapter 8

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"I will have to ask you to sign the non disclosure agreement" Cain said cautiously when Zerithia placed the documents in front of the five people. 

Rolkan looked at Reneste questioningly, he just nodded with a rare seriousness. 

"...ok" Holwen signed followed by Helixiar and others. 

"Now, what exactly is the condition of Roxanne we have to keep cautious about?" Helixiar urged after Zolekh, the last one finished signing. 


"I'm sorry but let me ask them something first Cain" Reneste interupted 

The five were a bit surprised, they were plenty familiar with Reneste and he was still cautious about Roxanne, 

'just what made the pistanthrophobic boy open up like this?' 

(Pistanthrophobia is the fear of trusting people)

"...go on" Helixiar urged. She was not known for her patience after all. 

"mental illnesses, what is your view on them?" the question was simple but only with the reactions people can deduce a lot. 

Seeing the slightly guarded but concerned look identical on their faces meant a lot to Reneste. 

He smiled and let Cain take the lead

"As I was saying, Roxanne has...a split personality, bipolarity if you will." he started testing the waters. Many people just get scared hearing the word bipolar. It was the most pitiful for the surrounding people. 

"It's alright, we will be attentive to her changes in need," Rolkan said, a sad look on his face.

Bipolarity can make someone feel abnormal very easily, it can make them feel like a burden for being inconsistent and behaving a way they regret, most don't even retain memories from their 'switched' durations. That is the scariest part. Not knowing how you ended up where was mentally exhausting. 

"You don't have to worry about that" Loman smiled seeing them being co operative listening to the worst. 

"why?" Abel asked defensively, his fist tightening feeling his mate's position being threatened.

"Relax, it is because, with the help of therapy and pure stubbornness, she learned how to willingly switch between her personalities." Zerithia smiled proudly

When she had first come into the Black household, it was weird to see the girl filled with enthusiasm one moment and slump down the other. 

"Her personalities are the literal opposite, the artificial or created one is the energetic one, when she needs extra adrenaline she switches into that personality, she does that only when inventing because it drains her but gives her momentum." Cain stroked the soft hair of his sister. 

"...I don't want to let her go, and somewhere I was hoping for you to leave after hearing she is bipolar so she can also hate you." Loman grit his teeth, Zerithia just calmly put her hand on his shoulder and he sighed 

"...I know, if not with them than someone else, I'd rather risk with them" 

Zolekh was not happy imagining his new cat-like mate being dominated by anyone other than them. 

"...if you're gonna talk about me, do it where I can pretend you don't exist" Roxanne grumbled, her body was acting weird, she was feeling empty and she did when she was a child and wanted to be held. 

She blearily opened her foggy eyes and something inside her screamed to hug the closest person to her that happened to be Rolkan. Thinking it was improper considering they had just met even if they were mates she abandoned the urge. 

"...Reneste" she made grabby hands and the younger boy habitually cradled her small physique. 

"let.go." Rolkan gritted, Reneste sweatdropped. 

"Roxanne, do you mind...curling up on one of your mates? Or you will very soon be hosting my funeral instead of your brothers' wedding" 

Roxanne peered up at Reneste and then looked at her mates who showed a desperate expression.

'cute or annoying I can't decide' she thought and crawled over to Rolkan's lap and curled up. 

A satisfied sigh involuntarily left her as she buried her head in his wide chest. 

"comfortable" she mumbled before falling asleep again, she didn't feel alone anymore and it was warm.

Holwen's tight smile softened seeing the sight and he resisted the urge to peck the two. 

"Reneste, show them her sleeping room" Zerithia smiled, a little sad and a little giddy. 

Roxanne finally had somewhere she will fit perfectly, she knew the girl longed for a bond like that. It was natural, she was the only one left who had not received that sort of love, ever. 

Once they reached the door labeled, 'PERMITTED PERSONNEL ONLY', Reneste looked into the peephole, Rolkan really wanted to ask what the idiot was doing before the door clicked open. 

"a secret retina scanner, the people don't even know they are being analyzed. She made it so that voice rang inside identifying the person trying to enter forcefully. Only me, Zerithia, and her brothers are allowed in. The rest of her family has completely left the business." Reneste answered all the questions he knew were going on in their heads. 

Roxanne had just created this for her personal convenience and felt that it was too bothersome to make a better version of it when something even though way more conspicuous already existed. 

The room's only source was a dull purple panel light and the king sized bed lay in one corner. The room was littered with papers with complicated designs and eraser dust. 

"Is that a freaking rocket?!" Abel whisper yelled seeing a draft

Reneste chuckle dryly 

"I once found a model airplane that runs on battery's draft. She found it too bothersome to take credit for and sold it to the highest bidder" 

"That's where Filsch got the excellent profit maker from? No wonder he never produced something like that in the future." Zolekh scoffed

Rolkan very delicately placed Roxanne on the bed. Helixiar stroked the smooth skin of her mate and smiled. Once Rolkan's heat dissapeared Roxanne sleepily whined looking for the closest heat source that was Helixiar. 

Helixiar had no complaints snuggling with the cozy girl. She had already removed her overcoat to make Roxanne more comfortable. 

"She already has you wrapped around her fingers, I wanted to see 'Roxanne power' work on Rolkan but this was a much better development. I will save you the trouble and leave. Don't inappropriately touch her or I can't guarantee your lives" Reneste dryly said exiting the room. 



*looking at the sleeping Roxanne*

Rolkan:"...." I was a fool! A fool!

Holwen:"..." I want to eat her up. 

Abel:"..." when will it be my turn to cuddle QAQ

Zolekh:"..." all. ours. 

Helixiar:"..." I call dibs on every afternoon cuddles from her 

Roxanne:"zzz" such awesome heatpads. 

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