Chapter 11

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"o-oh, o-oh M-m-ms Rox-roxanne--"

Ring. Ring.

Roxanne's eyes flitted to her own lit up iphone and frowned seeing her brothers' driver's number.

"Aiment?" she picked up having lost interest in the stuttering messes in front of her.

"Young miss, actually..." 

Everyone could see Roxanne's eyes widen with shock and her grip on the phone tightened. 

"Stay there. Make everyone stay there." Her voice was dark.

It scared them. 

Roxanne did not bother softening her demeanor to not frighten her mates, this was more important. 

"Rolkan, apologies but may I borrow the keys of the car we drove here. I hope you don't mind me cutting this short." It wasn't really a question.

"We'll go with you" Abel quickly added, Roxanne simply nodded still wanting the keys. 

She strode to the car in strides that looked very angry, the rest could only obediently follow.

Missa and company:"..." lucky. 

Roxanne's drive was dangerous, Rolkan suddenly understood why he never saw Roxanne drive before, although extremely smooth, not at all safe. 

The speed was more than 390mph in a Buggati Veyron. On average. 

They reached what looked like an accident scene when the car skidded to a stop in front of two policemen. 

Roxanne hurried out of the car leaving the door open. She immediately spotted her brothers and hugged them touching and looking cautiously for any harm caused. 

Cain winced slightly when she touched his left arm and she could see the small twitches in Lomans' right leg. 

Her sharp and predatory gaze moved to the driver that had driven off course on red light on top. Her jaw clenched. 

The car was a handmade accident-proof one made by her, other wise seeing the situation, her brothers would have split skulls. There were only three of them produced. It was still in research on how to make them completely safe, not even a hair harmed on the passenger. It was close to completion but still needed a few months. 


Helixiar and Holwen's eyes almost popped out of their sockets. 

Roxanne looked absolutely hot when angry but, not the point. 

Her sharp glare turned to the occupant of the other car. He had pale blue hair and very refined features. It gave him a gentlemanly look but all Roxanne could see was red.

She was very much pissed on having heard from the driver that her brothers had been in an accident because of a bloody rule breaker 30 minutes ago.

They had no intention of informing her either. Giving gifts to the driver worked, fortunately.

She knocked on the glass of the car. A motion for him to please get the fuck out. 

The person was so calm a netizen would think he had done nothing wrong. 

Roxanne clenched her palm to not slap this one too. What's with her meeting new people with tacky hair colors today?

"Ms. these men must be Mr. Blacks" the man's eyes finally widened in surprise.

Generally, it is her brothers recognized first and her because of them, not the other way round. 

"Nice to know you have a pair of eyes and brain that comprehends. I would have guessed neither considering the situation" 

The man's breath was caught in his throat, he was a big fan of Roxanne's creations and Roxanne herself. He also knew his idol had a real sharp tongue but realized it was not pleasant for the one on the sharp end of the knife. 

Rolkan and Abel were secretly proud. 

"Drive away, next we see each other it will be in court or better yet, when you are released from prison" she seethed and turned away. 

The young master's driver did not waste time pushing his master in the car and driving. 

Roxanne had already memorized the number plate. 

"And you two..." Roxanne turned to her brothers, it was a little comical seeing two much taller men being scared of a thin girl who was at moment bending their ears brutally. Just seeing it made Abel's ears pain. 

Rolkan really wishes to never put himself in that position. 

"You were going to let him go with minimum compensation, weren't you?" the grit in her teeth was very evident. 

"sit in the car, I will deal with you at home" She roughly pushed them into the seats. 

Taking two deep breaths she calmed down and turned to look at her mates who had mixed expressions with same warm eyes they were used to. 

"I'm sorry, we can do this again though?" she asked hopefully

"then, next time its a movie date" Helixiar grinned pecking Roxanne's cheek successfully making her flush.

The others took their turns kissing her cheeks and then waited shamelessly in front of her looking like hopeful puppies... 

She swallowed her embarrassment down and gave them small pecks teasingly close to the lips and turned around. 

Unknown to her, they could see her extremely bright red ear. 

them:"..." I want to kiss her. 


Sorry, this one was a little short but I got to it by like 12:30 am


Cain: "we said we were sorry!"

Loman: "how long are you going make us kneel? the marble is so cold and hard!" 

Roxanne: "have you kneed bled?" 

them : *silence*

Loman: "these marbles are as cold and hard as your heart!"

Roxanne: "they both are to make you bleed for your mistakes" 

Reneste, Aurum, Grandpa Black, Zerithia (*eating popcorn*): "brutal, kekekeke" 

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