Chapter 4

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Roxanne looked at filled exam sheets blankly.


she slid her papers to the edge of her seat in the corner and used her arms as a pillow to sleep on.

The person beside her gawked 'is she sure to fail or top?'

It was the latter.


"And now our youngest valedictorian, Roxanne Black will share a few words" the principal flashed a cocky smile

Like everyone else she was dressed in black robes with the university logo and the weird-looking hat.

"the exams were just the first fuck life gave, there are shitload more to come. Pun intended" She said with a blank that made the audience holler and cheer while the teachers just gawked.

They did not pre check the supposed speech because she is their top student and a respected member of the Black family. Who would have guessed it would take this turn.

Many juniors, seniors and grademates crowded the three triplets, specially Loman stuffing their arms with gifts. Roxanne gulped and looked around to find a familiar face.

'is that the Scamader boy, what was his name...ah. Renesme not Restene...not it..Reneste yes!'

"Reneste!" Roxanne voiced out while the said boy looked confused at the call. He was just here for a friend.

"...Roxanne" he nodded and looked at a bit confused at her grasping his arm for dear life.

Seeing one look at the crowd behind her, he sighed and smiled lightly.

He led them both to his car and called the guards to not let anybody with gifts in.

"Thank you" Roxanne rubbing her neck

"I...uhm sorry for startling were just there so..." she tried to explain.

The girl had just barely acknowledged himself and even her own family members except for frowning at the people putting veggies on the plate.

"It's alright, I understand" he laughed lightly.

Seeing the girl staring at him he flinched a little

" there something on my face?" he asked nervously

"no, you just looked so young when you laughed" she shrugged raising a black nailed finger to poke at his cheek

'Is she like this normally?' he sweatdropped

"ah, sorry, can we be friends?" she asked

"..why?" can't blame him for being wary, she did not exactly look the friendly type

"I have a feeling you are very comfortable to cuddle" She nodded as if confirming her own reason

'Shameless' his face flushed with second hand embarrassment but looking at her doe eyes that forever looked misty with a cold undertone, he reached out a hand and pat her head like he would with a puppy. She obediently let her head be pat and even leaned in a little making the younger boy sigh.

"sure, we are friends now."

a smile made its way to her face and he melted a little. Who was supposed to be the younger one here?

"your brothers should be looking for you, lets join them" he said and walked ahead

She quietly walked beside him looking around as if observing the present guards. Once they left the area she came closer

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