Chapter 9

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Two weeks later~ (I know this is a crazy load of time skips but I can't wait to get to the main thing I imagined when I started writing this QAQ)

Things were good. Roxanne would say, she had five new people who wished her good morning everyday and called to check up on her etc. 


She doesn't feel...satisfied? Why? 

'They have been doing so much for me, even Cain has a favorable impression of them...why am I being more greedy?' 

A troubled expression made her nose subconsciously crinkle, her hands sketching designs of god knows what in a daze. 

Roxanne was sitting cross-legged up in the office chair, her laptop with numbers opened up but being ignored. 

Her hair was aggressively put up in a bun, a deep red overcoat hanging on her chair. 

She was in a solid black shirt and matching trousers with a belt lined with matte silver. 

On Zerithia's insistence, she had even agreed on winged eyeliner, the reason being that her 'mates' had asked her to a date today. 

The said mates had just entered the room being led by Zerithia. 

them:"..." cute. 

"ahem" Holwen took the initiative, 

*scritch scritch* 

They blinked owlishly, 

Zenithia sighed and cautiously walked closer to Roxanne as if walking towards a wounded animal. 

She lightly knocked on Roxanne's table which startled the girl so bad that she dropped her sketch pad and her pencil. Barely managing to catch it before it hit the ground. 

"Uh...sorry" she said noticing the occupants of the room. 

Her face flushed slightly remembering what she looked like and her hands that were gliding through the paper moments ago fumbled with her hair. 

Helixiar winced and little and quickly walked up to the girl gently taking over the untangling process. 

Roxanne just shrank into herself and let the older girl do whatever she wanted with an extremely red face. 

Zenithia had slipped out of the room not wanting to disturb a harmonius sight. 

"Can I see what you were drawing?" Zolekh bent closer to Roxanne to peek into the sketch pad. 

" don't...have to ask in the future" she mumbled out placing the sketchpad on the table to make it easier for everyone to see.

She had no idea just how she sketched the detailed diagram but subconciosuly picked up the pencil to label and correct some strokes. 

She had drawn the outlet for a holographic watch. 

"This... is this something you have been working on?" Rolkan asked keenly paying attention to the design

Seeing Roxanne shake her head Abel sweatdropped 

'She is clearly the only genius, what monster generation.' 

there was no real bitterness just admiration in that thought though. 

A knock disturbed the comfortable silence they had built making Roxanne purse her lips. Helixiar's hands were now lightly stroking through her head as they all had situated themselves on the sofa now. 

"Come in" Roxanne sat straighter but not out of reach from the occasional strokes from her other mates 

"I'm sorry to disturb but you told us to come to you if we felt we hit a stalemate..." Denith said poking his head in sheepishly, Roxanne just waved them in and unhappily got up from the warm place between nice smelling bodies of her mates.

"We greet our leader's mates" Axel and Denith said in unison. Even though they were not happy at the interuption, it was work, they understood. 

Roxanne positioned herself back on the chair they found her in removed the 'obstacles' that happened to be the finance management review sheet

The two boys sat down and put the device that had looked like a normal pair of glasses in front of Roxanne. 

Axel pulled out the foldable laptop, another thing Roxanne had designed because she felt it was annoying to not be able to carry big screens conveniently. 

This was the most efficient invention for every businessman in the world. 

Roxanne's eyes lost the mistiness and her brows furrowed glacing at the device periodically listening and reading to the reports her subordinates gave. 

The tightness in her brows loosened and she smirked with her full red lips.

Rolkan:"..." gulp. 

He was not the only one. 

Axel paused mid report sensing his senior just grasped what was making them crash into a dead end. 

"The wire, it's not the thinnest we have, why did you use this?" Roxanne asked extending her hand to her middle drawer attached to the table and pulling out a hair-thin wire. 

She swiftly disentangled the bridge of the glasses with a 'pop' and took out a slightly thicker wire, she replaced it with the one in her hand so swiftly one would think it did not take the two in front two hours doing accurate wire placements. 

the subordinates:"..." bleed tears!

Roxanne proceeded to reattach the bridge and open the side handles meant for supporting the frames like a socket. 

"you put wires in the bridge and make the socket of rubber?" she looked at them with an expression of

'what kind of idiots are you?' 

"I want the bundles of our ultar wire (the name of the hair thin wire) needed for the brainwork in Collapse made by you two" She assigned, what Holwen assumed was punishment. 

"Revise your handiwork" She added removing the thin layer of rubber with the tweezers she took out from her coat pocket. 

"Replace all your rubber parts with the silinones" She muttered absent mindedly, attaching the socket back in. 

She put the glasses on herself and turned to Zolekh

"identify" she commanded out loud. 

The voiced beeped close to her ear, 

"The owner and present CEO of Reed Multinational Corporation. 25 years old, no criminal background. No materialistic threat being carried. Is called as 'the prince' by the netizens" The same information was reflected in front of her outlining Zolekh and making a diagram.

"could you hear the analysis?" She asked the five people on her sofa

"No" Zolekh really wanted to know though. 

"Alright, this part is a check but make the speakers more inconspicuous in the design. The rubber part and... make the information finding process with Kitty's help. I'm off now" 

Roxanne slid the glass back to Denith and got up alongside them putting on her coat as they bowed lightly and left. 

"come on" She looked up from dusting her pants to the Zolekh extending his hand for Roxanne to hold smiling like the 'prince' the public called him to be. 

She took his hand and felt relaxed as he entangled their fingers rubbing the back of her palm with his thumb lightly. 

"Finish the finance reviews Loman, I'm leaving" She pressed the personal contacter in her ear, it was easier than searching from contacts and calling through bluetooth earphones. 

"That was your job!" Loman's whine made her clench her jaw, the brat knew it annoyed her to no ends 

"Get it done or I'm telling Zenithia when I had to help you stay out of jail for public stripping" she hissed taking out the earpiece and leaving it on her table. 

Helixiar:"pfft. Public stripping?" 

"It was a horrifying experience, I still have nightmares" Roxanne shuddered clenching on Zolekh's hand a little tighter. 

It absolutely did not make her 'heart flutter' like in novels when he squeezed back smiling. 

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