Chapter 10

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The cafe they sat in was clearly a niche, high-end one. 

Roxanne had often seen Loman take girls here for dates before Zerithia came into their lives, this place was also famous for celebrity sightings. 

The inner walls were a pale peach that gave the place a warm atmosphere. Small plants were littered close to the wooden furniture and the windows opened a view of Country X's beautiful skyline. 

Roxanne had never actually come here, simply because she felt it was better to just sleep instead. 

"Rolkan Scamander" the receptionist quickly nodded and led them to a six-person table.

Another group of girls soon sat closer to their table, Roxanne could see their fleeting gooey glances towards the males on her table, she felt angry but more...possessive? 

'They are not things Roxanne' 

she bit her lower lip unaware of her company's hungry looks. 

A waiter scurried over to take the order, there had been a small disagreement behind the scenes for wants to serve the intimidating wealthy-looking people, some they recognized from multiple interviews. 

"A caramel custard" Zolekh smiled making the female waiter swoon

"will you share a brownie with me?" Holwen turned to Abel eyes hopeful, 

'How am i supposed to refuse to that look?!' he nodded helpless

"Then one brownie please" Roxanne felt Holwen's smile was close to being blinding.

"Two black coffees" Rolkan ordered for Helixiar and himself.

"And what would you like miss?" The waitress smiled,

Roxanne shrank when all attention turned to her "I'll have caramel milk tea, thank you" 

The waitress controlled the urge to coo at the small girl seeing the warning glares she was receiving from all the other occupants of the table. 

"ahem, I will have your order out soon" she escaped. 

Light banter of Rolkan and Abel filled silence as Holwen tried to make them control their voices. 

"Uhm...i have a question" 

The table's full attention turned to Roxanne

"yes?" Helixiar was happy that Roxanne could ask questions now, she had always been quiet, so much so that they were scared she was going to reject them. 

"This...mate thing... is it like you guys will be doting on the females or are you all bisexual?" 

Roxanne has been wondering so for quite a bit of time, she had noticed the boys performing intimate actions with each other and Helixiar but she did not want to assume because her brothers' are also caring to each other but only have romantical love towards Zerithia. 

"Actually, we are all bisexuals...are you?" Helixiar asked nervously, she wants unholy things to Roxanne, she won't be able to bear it if Roxanne is completely straight.

"I guess? I never really had any serious romantic relationships before...but I feel...attracted to Helixiar along with the rest of you" Roxanne's ears were  blood-red with the last confession but her mates were over the moon that she found them attractive, Helixiar heaved a sigh in relief smiling contentedly. 

However, the flowery atmosphere disappeared when the girls a table across theirs could be heard talking. 

"Huh, what Roxanne Black, she looks like she is going to break anytime. She is known for being holed up in robotics department everyday, it would'nt be a surprise if her mate rejected her or better...that she has none!"

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