chapter 19

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Helixiar's face was very flushed, Roxanne didn't know if it was from the embarrassment of being caught or the lack of air from the heavy makeout session she had stumbled upon.

"ahem, I think I lost Reneste in the crowd so uh if you'll excuse me" Roxanne's eyes were looking everywhere but the pair's while Rolkan was observing the girl's reaction. 

A smirk rested on his slightly bitten lips as he saw the deep red on Roxanne's ears feeling pleased for some unknown reason. Before she could flee, he reached out and lightly grasped her thin, bony writs instantly making her halt. 

He could practically feel the tension in Roxanne's body as he stalked closer and somewhat out of pure instinct rubbed his hand up and down the side of her waist. He was pleasantly surprised when she relaxed and turned to face him with her always-cool-expression. 

" should find more inconspicuous places during these events, it could have been anyone else" Roxanne could only sigh as she raised her head to finally meet Rolkan's electric blue eyes. She could feel Helixiar's chocolate brown ones also resting on her figure when she made contact with them too. 

"They wouldn't have the guts to say our face anyways" Helixiar shrugged walking towards where the two soulmates were already standing. She reached out a hand to Roxanne's face and cupped it, cooing internally at the way Roxanne leaned into it like a cat. 

"you could always join in..." she leaned even closer to Roxanne evidently seeing the light red on the pale skin under dim yellow lights. She looked breathtaking in that dress. A shame that Helixiar did not at all want to scare the girl away by ravaging her right now. 

Both Rolkan and Helixiar were in absolute happy-shock when Roxanne bit her lips for a few seconds before leaning over Rolkan's shoulder to place a small peck on Helixiar's lips. 

Rolkan thought the grin on Helixiar's face could rival the moon outside at the moment. They had known the moment they met Roxanne that it would be a challenge for them to get her to open up. She would be a challenge, but one that they were willing to take and risk everything for. 

Rolkan had estimated atleast another month before she kisses any of them on the lips but he was not complaining about the faulty calculations at all. 

His heart was probably thundering when Roxanne looked up to his eyes next, her usually blank or dazed gaze looked full of emotions and glossy right now. It was probably the most hypnotizing sight he had ever had the opportunity to experience, what he would give to have this look belong to all of them only. 

Roxanne was having an internal rollercoaster at the moment. Her chest felt very stuffy but not the kind where she would want to curl over and hide in her blanket but like the one that she wanted to keep happening again and again. She had never once felt like this before, not in her flawless memory atleast. 

The moment she felt the feeling was fading away she did the same as she did with Helixiar to Rolkan and placed her lips on his warm ones. When she started backing away, a force pulled her even closer to Rolkan's body, and now she could feel herself squished between her two mates. 

She wants to keep this feeling with her forever. 

"this feels nice, can we do this more often?" her voice was slightly hesitant, what of her soulmates found this weird? 

were they comfortable? did they get the same feeling she is getting? 

All her doubts faded away when a pair of lips placed a kiss on the back of her ear, 

"yes, definitely. I don't think I can live without it anymore" Helixiar's sweet voice mumbled with a swooning tone to it. 

For both Rolkan and Helixiar, they had just had the first feeling of being complete. It was no doubt addictive with just one try. 

"you have got to find more inconspicuous places, brother" Roxanne just dig her head into Rolkan's shoulder when she heard her best friend's voice in the background, absolutely ashamed at being caught in this compromising position. She did not move out or push them away though, never that. 

"wait a minute" Roxanne mumbled registering the words Reneste just said as she lifted her head letting the two release her from the embrace. 

"brother?" Roxanne's voice had some disbelief in it when she looked back and forth between the Scamander siblings. 

"you didn't tell her?" Rolkan thew an annoyed glare at Reneste. No wonder in all the two years Reneste had been best friends with his mate he, the brother never even got to see her once. 

Reneste just gave a half sheepish half smug look to his brother under Roxanne's glare. 

"why are you the one attending all the partner meetings for Scamanders then?" Roxanne's nose scrunched up again as it was a fact that Rolkan and her never saw each other even after having so many things pulling them close. 

"because he always insisted to go to those, i never had any reason not to send him" Rolkan wanted to punch his past self when Helixiar's full belly laughter rang through the area. 

"oh please *wheeze* don't mind me." Rolkan just gave the girl a deadpan look before rolling his eyes at her amusement. 

"so, you're soulmates with your best friend's brother" Reneste grinned smugly, a second later wishing he hadn't with the glare his brother sent his way. He didn't even say anything wrong!!

"too sleepy for this shit" was the only reaction Roxanne gave and slumped over Reneste out of habit. Reneste did not dare move an inch having felt the glare the now sobered up Helixiar was sending his way, he knew the female was the most possessive one in the whole bunch and the outcome of someone messing with what was hers was not pretty even if you were their brother. 

ps. he's speaking from experience. 

Helixiar delicately tilted Roxanne's body on her herself before lifting her up princess style. 

"not today cinderella, you have had too much to drink" Rolkan swiftly placed Roxanne in his arms giving Helixiar's pouting face a stern look. 

"inform her brothers, ok? and don't drink too much, come back home in an hour or so after saying goodbye to the hosts and excusing our absence. Don't create a situation where they kick you out, ok?" Helixiar listed as she fixed Reneste's tie and hair like a mother would.

"yes, mom" he humored her receiving an eye roll in response before he waved goodbye at the retreating figures. 

"Next time, I'm leaving him to excuse their own important absences hmph" 


hellloooo, I am so sorry for not uploading any chapters recently. I have my boards/matrix exams for 10th grade going on and can't really afford to spare time right now. 

BUT I opened wattpad and bam i had 2.3K reads!!!!!!!

AND 63 votes!!!!!!!!!!!


i'll try to upload more often too <333

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