Chapter 18

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Roxanne was muddleheaded as slipped on a black suit the same as her brothers. This was the second party in the last two weeks, what the hell. 

She really wanted to stop attending these things but since she had already skipped three in the whole month (her limit to skip in the month set by Aurum) she reluctantly put on something deemed suitable by her family. 

Of course, it had also been about three weeks since all of her soulmates had gathered together but she wished it was in the comfort of her room instead of a business ball. 

Nonetheless, she dragged herself up to put on a pair of plain black stilettos and trudged out of the room. 

"Let's leave" Aurum nodded once Roxanne had joined. 

It was only the triplets and Aurum being sent to these gatherings, the latter being the former director and the former being the current ones. Roxanne had also very passive-aggressively stated she refused to be seen in the same function with her other two parents unless the situation desperately calls for it. Zerithia had gone on a two-day trip to her parents' house and was going to be there too but separately. 

Naturally, the Black Family took the spotlight off the main hosts- the Averills. The ranked 9th in the business yearly list, the current heir had good relations with Loman and was on friendly terms with the other two too. 

"Loman, my guy!" Roxanne watched as her brother and Maverick Averill did that bro-shake/hug thing, she never was really able to grasp the meaning of the complex series of actions. 

A handshake should be enough, right?

"Roxanne, Cain" Maverick turned to them with a smile and a polite nod having the same action received in response.

Roxanne immediately stopped paying attention to the conversation once she had acknowledged the host so, she slipped away skillfully and picked up a glass of what looked like champagne from a passing waiter. 

Roxanne was just hovering over the dessert area when heard someone call out to her. 

"Hello, Ms. Roxanne" 

Roxanne stilled slightly and turned back to come to face with a middle-aged couple, they looked about the same age as Aurum too. 

"Hello, Mr..." 

"Oswald Reed and this is my wife Paisley Reed" both the people had gentle smiles on their faces but Roxanne remembered Aurum telling her that the Reeds had ranked third, just below the Scamanders in the business yearly magazine. 

"Nice to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Reed. How may I help you?" 

Roxanne's voice was as blank as her face but the couple could see the recognition in her eyes. 

The Reeds honestly did not expect the girl to have kept them both entertained and pleased when they both had a varying range of interests. Oswald was more of business while Paisley preferred science and gossip. 

Roxanne had been handling many people with her company meetings and had also majored in psychology. She had little to no problem keeping the couple satisfied. Just as she felt she wanted to try out that dessert she had been eyeing before and should excuse herself she saw a familiar faces join the group of three they had formed.

"Mr. Scamander, Reneste" Roxanne nodded out of politeness inside she just felt her dessert getting farther and farther away. 

The conversation had drifted to business altogether with Paisley being called away by Mrs. Scamander to discuss gossip. Reneste had followed the ladies in curiosity while Roxanne was deeply immersed in talking to the grown men.

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