chapter 29

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"we expect more from you Roxanne, you don't have time like your brothers. They aren't born for greatness of the type you are, imagine how sad Aurum would be to see his daughter slacking off? Imagine your grandpa, if you love him as much as he does then you will listen to every single word I say, is that clear?" Roxanne's mom hovered over her head. The five year old girl cowered under the strict gaze muttering a small agreement looking down at the keyboard in from of her.

"this...coding looks complicated, can I have a day to learn it?" her hopeful voice asked her mother. She had been at this for the past five hours already, it was starting to hurt her eyes. Her hopes however were quickly shut down with the disappointed yet sharp gaze she felt on her frame. 

The memory shifted to one where her mother was in a yelling match with her other father, Callum. 

"This is not the way Aurum likes it and you know it, its hurting me and I know you feel it too whenever he calls Roxanne" Callum's gentle voice in a loud setting, Roxanne realised was something she really didn't like. 

"This is the future of this family, the prestigious Black family. I will not have anyone criticise my parenting for trying to do my best. She was born with talents she needs to take the burden of." Mexie screamed in retaliation 

"you're doing exactly what your mother and father did, you promised to not do it with our children. God what is wrong with you?" Callum's face twisted into a sad one

"No, Callum. My parents tried to make me, a normal person into a genius. I am just getting the girl to use the potential I gifted her with" 

"Your logic is really not sitting well with me Mexie. It's going to cause an irrevocable rift between you and them. Do you really want her to act the same way you do to your mother?"

"Do not. and I mean do not put her in my situation. What I am doing is hardly brutal, her working a little harder than others will put her at an advantage no one will be able to cross. Why is it that you don't understand that? Do you not want her, want us, to succeed?" 

"I will not have your baseless accusations Mexie. Do whatever you feel like, when it comes to bite back don't go all crying. I'm your mate and I will always be here for you but I will not help you make your daughter hate you" 

"Okay Callum. Do us all a favour and stay out of my teachings of her. I don't want to fight over that child" 

"That child-- okay fine. Have it your way"

Roxanne jolted her eyes open. Okay so maybe she knew where fear of loud noises stemmed from. She knew Callum was not on board with Mexie's education plan but the fact that he left her to her mother's mercy rather even trying to make things a little softer on her made her hold a grudge. He regrets it, she knows. She can't really bring herself to forgive them either though. The years she was supposed to learn how to protect and nurture her emotions, she was taught to shut them away in a tight box and push away. Now whose fault was it that she felt like she was not giving her mates enough compared to what they gave her? 

She grew up feeling so inferior, because she felt like she lacked something every time her mother told her to improve. It put a strain on her sibling relationship but thank god for them. She remembers vividly the day Aurum discovered the whole scene. He had a gist of the pressure but never knew to this extremity. He vowed that day to see the girl smile freely again, whether that meant staying away from his mates after he the chance in so long, then so be it. 


Tiny scars on equally tiny hands had ruined what little composure he had. Only the frail girl in his arms, refusing to let go of his comfort was what held him back. He was ready for a rampage. He didn't care of any identities, he was seeing red. The poor girl tugging at his shirt softened his rage paramountly.

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