Chapter 27

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It was mutually agreed upon that the entire group will be staying in what Roxanne called "the safe house" the five love stricken fools had no problem complying to spend the time with youngest mate. Cain and Loman could only sigh at the eagerness in them while Roxanne went about fiddling around the place. They didn't imagine that the place where the three of them came for refuge would have to be shared with their sister's mates, they didn't have an outright problem but it felt somewhat of an invasion. Together they could only wonder if thats how Rox felt when they subconsciously invited along Zerithia in all their plans. Cain noted to himself that its been quite some time since the three of them were together alone for anything not related to the company and the guilt of it was apparently communicated with Loman who lightly squeezed his shoulder in comfort. Cain and Loman had always been there for their sister since the day they saw her so overworked that her tiny frame was hunched over puking in the washroom trying to muffle her soft cries. Initially the brother's had held a little envy for the girl as she was given so much attention for something that was biological and not her own smarts but the moment reality of her situation hit them, they had taken a vow to always stay on her side no matter who they had to go against just to never see their baby sister in a state like that.

Snapping out of their depressive states, they heard a crash from what they assumed was the kitchen side. The house wasn't a mansion, not even half the size of the house they lived in but it was home. It took them only a few seconds to reach the source of commotion to see a grimacing Roxanne standing away from a broken glass mug. "I swear I was only trying to make coffee" her hands went up in defence reflexively when she felt her brothers' accusing gazes on her. Just in time Abel joined the triplets and let out a little gasp but immediately slid to Roxanne's side as carefully as he could checking over her like a mother hen only to relax when he found her unharmed. Roxanne winced as she felt Abel's eyes turn stern on her smaller frame, impulsively she wrapped herself around him surprising everyone present at the scene.
"i'm okay, I promise" she murmured into Abel's crisp black shirt now replaced with soft black v-neck tshirt that hugged him like a glove. There was inexplicable warmth in Roxanne's heart when Abel's sturdy arms made their way around her back, everything about the embrace felt safe and home. Unknown to the two, Cain and Loman had snuck out of the scene which felt too private for even them to invade. Roxanne would never admit it but she wanted his arms to be around her more after he pulled back to clean off the shards. As zoned out as she is one would not expect her to be vigilant of a person's body posture changing but she was full of surprises, she immediately noticed when Abel went a little stiff and now she was in front of him looking at the tiny cut on his index finger.

"It's nothing" Abel waved off but Rox just shook her head.
"Shut up" She extracted the shards form his hand to throw them away and led him to a faucet running the slightly bleeding finger under the tap as she hunted for a bandaid.
"Its not required, its just a tiny cut" the boy's whiny voice insisted
Roxanne simply chose to ignore as she disinfected the red area and delicately wrapped a band aid on it.
The pair heard two voices snickering and whipped their heads to look at the source, Rolkan and Helixiar stood their looking extremely amused which caused Roxanne to tilt her head in confusion whilst Abel's face flared up into a bright crimson. Abel chose to just look away with a pout making the snickering duo jump into a full blown giggle session. Even Roxanne was infected by their energy and let herself release a small smile.
"oh give it a break you two" Zolekh's amused voice rang through already forming the assumption of what happened through the scene in front of him,
"it was high time our stubborn asshole found his match" he added with a cheshire grin, he was enjoying Abel's misery much like the other two. The thing with Abel was that he was brought up to be extremely independent when his elder sister had been reported deceased when he was barely 12. The company he was supposed to have shared with her lay completely on his shoulders, he had to step up to be the supportive and genius son the same time when he should be frolicking around with other kids his age. It made him grow faster and be extremely sensitive to everyone's health and injuries even if he habitually turned a blind eye to his own. The other four had tried countless times to get him to break this chain but the boy hadn't budged until now, he was finally letting someone else take care of him and nurse him when he was once so adamant of not letting anyone see him as vulnerable. Accepting Rox's help was a big step and they were proud of him for it.

Zolekh lazily strolled upto Abel and cupped his cheeks gently while a soft smile remained ever present on his perfect face. "We're always there for you".
This also spoke out as a form of saying I love you, the five of them had actively been trying to say the three words in front of Roxanne only to not make her feel uncomfortable about not having the same depth of feelings about them yet, the five of them had known each other for much longer before they reached this stage and they wanted to give Roxanne her own time and space with it.

Receiving a smile from Abel, Zolekh moved back to roll up his navy blue sleeves revealing ripples of veiny muscled but also lean arms. His long fingers and muscles flexed when he pushed his long hair into a bun, Roxanne was sure she had found an entire group of greek gods not humans and they happened to make her feel so many things that she has wanted to remember again.
"since none of you here can be trusted in the kitchen, I'll graciously take the burden of cooking dinner for all of us. I'm not letting you have instant ramen as you were probably planning to, Rox be a darling and convey it to your brothers too" Zolekh declared as he searched the shelves for all the ingredients he needed and even stumbling upon an apron that said 'Kiss the cook' like any other cheesy household. The triplets had got it as a joke considering only Roxanne could whip up a meal and she was someone with bare minimum tolerance for being smothered by her brothers. A feeling that was not really joy but close made her body walk towards Zolekh and place a soft peck on his lips. It wouldnt be a lie that the rest were a little gobsmacked at the sudden action but Rolkan put himself together fast enough to sputter out a "huh wha" absentmindedly.
"It says kiss the cook" was the only response Roxanne gave as she smugly strutted out from the area leaving a glowing Zolekh standing still in place. Rest assured the dinner was heavenly, the cook went all out after the motivation, the brothers almost wanted to invite him over more often.



Roxanne: *tilts head in confusion*
The simps (mates): *smoke coming out of their fried brains cuz of her cuteness*
the brothers: "this clueless girl is gonna be their deaths, just maybe fasten up the process a little"

script 2:

author: *begs to not be murdered for updating after months cuz she is doing IB and its shite*

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