Chapter 6

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"good morning, young miss. What would you like for breakfast?" Arden asked pulling out a chair for a more than usually muddled Roxanne with Reneste in tow. 

"ugh, Arden please get rid of this headache" she whined clutching her head.

'who told you drink so much' she could read Arden's smile as his eyes looked stern. 

"sorry..." she mumbled making the father like man sigh and her a glass of his sweet hangover recovery concoction. Roxanne never dared to ask what the man put in it. A similar brownish liquid glass was handed to Reneste who looked wary but gulped it down when he saw Rox do it. 

"Rox" Both her freshly dressed brothers said in sync looking like brand new models with light radiating off them.

"die" she lightly slammed the glass and laid her head on Reneste's shoulder. 

Cain and Loman were taken aback before noticing the similar eye catching bags underneath the pair's eyes. Loman vaguely recognized the smell of the recovery concoction and sighed. 

"Just how much did you both drink?" Cain asked in a fatherly tone

"Leave the job of criticizing to Arden, his eyes have scolded me enough" Roxanne sulked. 

"ah, I will make some soup for you in the afternoon, rest well till then" Zerithia came from behind in the baggy clothes Roxanne recognized as Cain's shirt and Loman's smallest pair of pants she sometimes borrowed. 

She obediently leaned in the pat on her head and Zerithia resisted the urge to coo over the girl. 

'Ah, how did this end up happening...' the brothers looked pitiful receiving no attention from their mate

FLASHBACK (in italics) 


"I am Zerithia. Your brothers' mate, nice to meet you" she smiled charmingly.

Of course Zenithia Conan like any other person had heard about the prodigy of the Black family and was curious about her temperament. 

She was aware that the triplets were in a complicated position, the brothers had already warned her as gently as they could that she should not offend Roxanne or they would not stand by her. She was a little jealous but seeing Roxanne look like a frightened rabbit being caught in the kitchen, her heart melted. 

She watched Reneste Scamander lend Roxanne comfort but was a little confused. Didn't Rolkan absolutely hate Roxanne as her self-proclaimed rival? 

She had a feeling Roxanne did not even know who Rolkan was and wanted to laugh at her friend's misery. 

"yes, future it too soon?" Roxanne asked nervously looking at the three flushed faces

"ahem, not that it's not true" Loman smirked at Zerithia who just looked at him flustered 

"haiz" Cain, the poor mature one had the decency to be embarassed but his gaze went stern seeing something.

"Were you planning to drink?" He asked Roxanne narrowing his eyes making the girl reflexively hide the wine bottle behind her back. 

"Well a beverage was meant to be drunk..." 

'cheeky girl' Zenithia laughed 

" you have something to say about our and Zenithia's relationship?" Loman asked tentatively as if stepping on a land mine. 

The atmosphere went dull significantly when all emotion wiped itself from Roxanne's face.

The brothers' bodies tensed but Zenithia could make them out forcing themselves to relax. 

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