chapter 1

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Timeskip to few months later (nyfufufu) (A/n: i changed the major from engineering to robotics, i actually thought it was the same but then got a long lecture on how different it is 0.0)

"Cain, Roxanne and Loman Black, please report to the principal's office" the big speaker rang and everyone's eyes fled to the mentioned names in their respective classes.


'i was having such a good dream too.' Roxanne dragged herself up and trudged to the office yawning every five minutes.

the door opened automatically making Roxanne blink comically before stepping in warily looking around. Turns out the secretary had opened the door.

'well...' she sweatdropped.

In front of her, the other two people and the principal were already seated and motioned for her to do the same.

"What was the need to call all three of us?" Cain asked. Anybody who was not his family would be intimidated by the looks on the members' faces which usually portrayed a bored look when asked. Cain had a naturally authoritative voice which could make a seasoned businessman break out in cold sweat much like Aurum.

Seeing the stiffened Principal, Roxanne just let out a sigh and put a hand on Cain's back making him sit back and let Roxanne do the talking.

The principal visibly relaxed when Roxanne's uninterested mellow voice flowed through the room,

"how can we help you?"

"yes, actually I called all of you for different purposes, lets start with Ms Black" the graying man started.

Seeing them share a glance and nod warily, he continued

"Ms Black, you have taken up robotics a few months ago, yes?" seeing Roxanne nod he spoke further

"well, as for psychology and law, you can attempt the final examinations in the next week with your seniors based on your extraordinary performance... furthermore, you will be allowed to continue robotics online if you so wish as asked by your father, Mr. Aurum." he finished

Roxanne leaned back in the chair and thought of the offer while the principal moved on with the other two occupants

"Mr. Cain and Mr. Loman, you are also eligible to take your business course final examinations with your seniors however it two weeks in the future, you will be allowed to officially graduate college with a business degree if you so wish," he informed

"ah and also the school would like to ask your permission to broadcast our youngest graduates in the period of establishment" he gave a proud smile making the three in front of him cock their eyebrows simultaneously

'what a bragger'

was the unanimous thought as well of the secretary.

"about the exams first, please send the details for participation to dad" Cain diverted glancing at Roxanne to use her word power to get them out of making a decision without their family's input.

"sir principal, with all due respect, our names are tied to the whole Black family as the legitimate heirs, pardon us but we cannot make a decision on advertising our names without considering the situations that may arise in the future. We will make sure our assistant gets back to you before the third day ends" Roxanne leaned forward again with a 'no-further-discussions-required' smile on her face reminding the principal she is more ruthless than the other two if provoked.

With farewells, they exited the office and the principal let out a breath 'what a monster generation' he thought thinking of the other seven people in closely-ranked universities, 'the monster ten, hah how appropriate' the secretary thought so too.

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