Chapter 28

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The safe house had never felt cramped before when the triplets had previously came over but with an additional 5 people it... for a lack of a better word, had no privacy. 

"can you be done with the shower a little quicker?" a tick mark was extremely visible on Helixiar's smooth complexion. 

"there are two other showers in here you grump" Rolkan mumbled to himself only to be mocked by Helixiar, a chilling noise coming out of her as she scrunched up her face.

"Roxy's in one and Holwen is in the other" that was enough of an answer for Rolkan to know why she pestered him instead of the other two. 

It was almost an unsaid rule in their bond to never bother the youngest and the oldest, well the youngest now but Holwen was like a mother hen. Fun fact about mother hens is that they get cranky real quick if you don't give them their space. He sighed and simply moved out of the way for Helixiar to step in the humid space. 

"you know...I don't mind you joining in" Helixiar's sly invitation made way to Rolkan's flushed cheeks flaring into a bright crimson shade, the poor boy could never get used to his mates flirting with him. Even though his parents and brother have always been an affectionate trio, emotions always baffled him which is why he sort of resonated with Roxy on the touchy-feely part. Not to say he was an aromantic or an asexual, god no. 

"as tempting as it is, I don't want to traumatise our future in-laws" he flirted back smoothly pulling his mate into a deep kiss. Her hands snaked down his freshly worn t-shirt before he pulled back, winking and walking away with a victorious smirk. 

"asshole" was the last thing Helixiar muttered before standing under the cold rain of the shower. 


Roxanne was in the control room (a small compartment with shit ton of buttons and monitors), a mechanical pencil swirling swiftly between her forefinger and middle one. Her brows furrowed as she tried to figure out the reason they were locked up in the house in the first place. The smoke screen was an obvious ploy to try to steal the most coveted auction item-- the spider key.  (A/N- I think that was the name, well it is the name now :^)

What didn't make sense was how these petty robbers got through the security system, it was certainly high class with so many distinguished personas present at the same location. How the location itself leaked was another matter she would have figured out. The only thing that made sense was that it was the work of an insider and not some outside force, but everyone in there was rich enough to bid till the price reached trillions, so why covet it for free? 

The sound of the knob turning was enough to push her out of her brainstorming making her attention turn to the long haired guy she had pecked on the lips a few hours ago. If she was being honest she had no idea how to face or act around him now. She knew she had taken a step forward into the dynamics but now she was floundering like a fish on ice. Unknowing to her a light blush had formed on her usually pale cheeks, setting a smile on Zolekh's face too. 

"Hi, you want coffee?" he held up two simple cups like the angel he looked like. Roxanne suddenly wasn't nervous anymore as she made grabby hands for the cup like a child for chocolate, the elder guy just handed her the mug with a low chuckle. Roxy honestly didn't care much for embarrassment with him anymore and went on to be enthralled by the liquid in the mug. It is a magic ingredient and the key to her heart. 

"have a seat...if you want" usually she was hesitant to share her space, but there was a first for everything right? 

"wow, this looks complicated and honestly something out of a sci-fi movie" the childlike wonder in the mature man's face made Roxy crack a giggle. 

It was god knows how long before Cain knocked on the door Zolekh had entered from. 

"You've been shut in for the past 2 hours. I don't think either of you realised" he smiled knowingly while Zolekh sighed internally. He knew the moment he saw Roxy that she would fill something inside all of them that had been empty for so long but now that he felt it, it was unbelievable and even a little overwhelming. he felt the need to protect her from everyone and everything, he wanted to take away anything that made her brows furrow if he could but he also knew that its not what she would like. She's a free bird who loved to tinker with metal pieces and create something someone twice their age could only have dreamed of having thought. The girl was a genius, an overworked one but a genius nonetheless and that had already put her in the spotlight. Heck, they met because of that same spotlight. 

Getting up first he held the two mugs with one hand and offered the other to Roxanne motioning for her to stand up. Feeling her own stiff legs she regretted sitting in the same position for so long but honestly it was worth it. Zolekh felt like home. That was the biggest compliment she could give someone and the only sentence she knew to how to convey what she felt in the time she spent with him. He had listened even more patiently than her colleagues, thats saying something alright. 

She wanted to take a hold of all five of them and never let go. She wished she doesn't have to. 

"Come you two, wrap it up. We're all craving a snack for a movie" Cain hurried up their slow process of getting up clapping his hands together. 

"yea, now I get why you were looking for us. None of you know how to cook" Roxy could only deadpan at her brother as he just shrugged slyly in response. Ass. She looked in front of her to see Zolekh smiling like he was used to this, filling her with a little more warmth. She had feared finding her own set of mates would put off her brothers but they were bonding better than the they themselves did sometimes. She knew she was growing to love them but she wondered if it was the bond or her own genuine feelings for them that was growing. 

"He won't leave until we do, let's go" She sighed and trudged forward

"oh come on you kid, you have plenty of people to cuddle with now" Cain just smirked at Roxy's irked expression, yes she was a sucker for cuddles 

She could see from her side eye that Zolekh was practically shining at learning this new information, she mentally prepared herself for the onslaught that would be really really very heavy for her heart to handle. One of them was enough to make her feel like the organ would push itself out, imagine all of them together. 


As she expected she was in the middle of the cuddle pile, drowsiness was really getting to her. She was very comfortable, she hasn't been so much so in for quite a while with everything going on. She let her eyelids shut with a force of their own as the soft murmurs from the movie kept going on. 

The dream however, was not so sweet. 


Side script:

Roxy- *falls asleep* 

the mates- "..."

The brothers- "I think we need to call the ambulance. She definitely broke them this time" 

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