Chapter 2

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"Hey, look what I made" pale, bony, and long fingers painted black thrust a robot-like thing on the chess boards successfully taking all the attention from her dad and grandpa. It had already been three days since the dinner and four days prior to the graduation finals.

"and what is this supposed to be?" original exasperation was now replaced with curiosity in her dad's eyes. 

"hehe" was the only reply before the small metal stickman transformed into a miniature table, then a chair, and then into a proper robot performing a mock action of waving. 

"i could have added a voice saying 'hello' but finding a voicebox or building one seemed too much work" Roxanne shrugged completely oblivious to the amazed looks as she kept fiddling with the remote. 

"Can this be made into a bigger version? something of sellable value" grandpa black asked with a hand stroking his chin 

"duh old man, this was an experimental prototype i made with spare parts lying around, the rubber used can snap any minute" Roxanne scoffed

"why would I ever waste my time on something that does not make money?" both grandpa Black and Aurum just laughed. 

"Is this what they teach in college robotics these days?" Mexie walked over having been attracted to the whirring noises,

Roxanne ignored eye contact but replied "basic knowledge and boredom" straight to the point vague answers. 

"I was originally looking for dad but hello family" Loman grinned. Roxanne scowled seeing her brother's appearance and reflexively walked to tug on the eye offending puke green hoodie.

"are you offering to make me burn your closet or make me puke all over it?" she sneered at Loman's pout. 

"no, we do not need the fire alarm going off again" Aurum sighed 


"yes, my original purpose was that Cain sent me to ask you whether you replied to the principal about the announcement thing?" Loman ignored Roxanne

"yes, I have allowed permission, your age may be revealed but so will your competence so it's like a double-edged sword" he replied, Roxanne just yawned 

"since when do you do what Cain says?" Mexie made an incredulous expression 

"since Roxanne threatened to defame us, the first moment we meet our mate if she hears us arguing one more time," he replied in a smooth tone with a smile that made one think he has no will to live anymore. 

Almost instantly every pair of present eyes turned to her who just shrugged "they're lucky I was too tired to think of a more dangerous threat like beheading their little sausages" the males instantly sweatdropped at the reply while Mexie sighed 

"that is inappropriate," she said 

Roxanne just stared at the woman she supposes is her mother and turned away to her room taking her innovation with her. The previously light-hearted atmosphere just tensed again before everyone went back to what they were doing before.  


(time skip to evening)

Aurum knocked at his daughter's door hearing a faint 'come in' before fully entering. 

The bed with raven sheets was crowded with papers completely on the king-sized bed and in the middle of white chaos sat Roxanne with silver black-rimmed glasses elegantly on her straight nose. The sleeve tattoo that extended to the edge of her knuckles was in full display with her attire of simple tank top. The tattoo on the side of her neck that teasing brushed her jawline was also not hidden with her hair pulled up in a very messy bun. 

"How can I help you?" she asked without raising her head from the sheets in her hand, a pen dangling on the edge of her mouth. 

"i just wanted to check-in." he replied with a gentle smile. She looked at him momentarily squinting her eyes 

"no, you are here to ask if I am at ease with being formally introduced to the shareholders, partners, and other staff, seeing how... gentle and cautious you are I am also assuming your other two mates are doing the same thing for Loman and Cain?" she said turning back to her paper. 

Aurum just sighed 'she can read me like a piece of paper' 

"don't be disappointed your partners and shareholders do not have this ability" she joked making the older man let out a chuckle

" I hope so." he walked over to the girl who looked so cold and lonely in the dark room. Even though the room was completely black it had a really calm atmosphere in it with a refreshing fruity smell. 

He carefully sat on the bed to not disturb the papers and finally had the full attention of the girl. 

"They are your parents too" he started off from when she called the other his mates instead of parents. 

"We are not having that argument again" she said decisively, the papers in her hand slightly bristling from the added force. 

"I did originally come to ensure you were okay about tomorrow but seeing you now I realize that this is what you were waiting for. Sometimes, I feel like I don't want to see you so mature and intelligent but be someone I can comfort and...and deceive into a sense of security" Aurum confessed his shoulders sagging in sort of defeat making Roxanne bite her inner cheek. 

"I can still smile because I had you by my side you know, and of course my brothers and grandpa, but the point is you did save me, gave me real security rather than just a fake sense of it. I...I because of you. And of course my genius brain but that's, not the point" she added the last sentence which successfully made her dad laugh and her, release a small smile. 

"Rox" two devils burst in with no regards to privacy 

"aw man you got the good parent" they groaned together 

"do not do that" Aurum stated while Mexie smacked the two boys not entering the room with Callum 

"do what?" Roxanne joined in, the three of them talking eerily in sync 

"and, i could have been changing" Roxanne turned to glare at her brothers

"but you weren't" Loman shrugged but Cain looked sheepish 

"what do you want anyway, I want everybody away from my room in 5" she grumbled feeling invaded 

"yeah we want your business notes" Loman jumped 

"not we, you" Cain snorted "I happen to ask you to assist my fashion" 

"One, here are the notes" she took a pile of papers from her under the comforter in file and threw it to Loman's direction 

"Second, I'll do that tomorrow, I am gonna finish this entire thing tonight" she smirked motioning at the papers 

"curse your photographic memory" Cain tsked 

"curse your incompetent brain instead, now out" she commanded going back to the material in her hands. 

Aurum kissed her forehead and the boys' on the way out leading them along as well to leave the girl alone. 

Roxanne picked up the internal telecom and dialed the kitchen "coffee refill" 

"yes, young miss" the butler's knowing voice rang through. 

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