Chapter 3

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"haah It's finally over", Loman's tired voice rang through. 

Undeniably all three of the triplets were exhausted. Their cruel father had suddenly ordered them to lead the whole meeting, they were nowhere near prepared but somehow pulled through and were accepted with welcoming hands by the staff. The shareholders and partners were left. 


"And so, incorporating robotics branch that will be personally be developed by me would give us phenomenal results." Roxanne ended with a very self-satisfied look on her face. She looked at her father as if to say 'you can be unexpected, I am your daughter' 

Of course, the soon-to-be-former director sighed in defeat. 

The deal was very thorough which gave Cain an inkling she was going to present this soon after finishing her robotics course but was hasty because she wanted revenge. 

"The costs will be expensive, this project only needs skilled labor force and delicate, expensive machinery. Very few have extensive knowledge of robotics and are not hired already. Search costs and then advertisement costs for completely entering a new market somewhat dominated by our partners may provoke unnecessary hostility" A man with dark ginger hair spoke up, 

"Mr. Carp" Loman mouthed discreetly to Roxanne who was squinting her eyes at the man making him nervous. 

"ah, yes Mr. Carp, regarding the labour force, let me clear it up, our robots will be targetted in a niche market" 

A question mark could be seen hanging on everyone's faces.

Roxanne smirked and changed the slides that was enlarged on the projector 

"For the filthy rich like all of us present here" she continued from her previous statement. 

"The pricing strategy would be price skimming starting with a million-dollar each. Even if the price sounds far fetched, the prototype which is made from spare rubber bands and hair clip metal will make you believe so otherwise" She proceeded to take out the same model she had shown her grandpa and dad a day before 

'i originally brought it to tweak in between boring parts of the meeting but oh well' 

The small stickman performed the same actions of folding into a table and then a chair which now also had wheels and then to a typical robot waving and a voice 'hello' 

Aurum looked impressed, yesterday was when he last saw the thing and now it was modified for the better. 

The brothers had not seen the creation before were as much in awe as the shareholders 

"Life size invention of this which I call...juggler?...yeah juggler until anything better comes to anyone's mind, I believe has potential to break the niche market" 

'Roxanne is horrible at naming' her present family sweatdropped at the befuddled expressions of the shareholders. 

'she once named a cat icy because it looked cold' Loman turned his laugh into a cough which the present perceived as a notice to focus. 

"We are convinced, Young miss Roxanne" a pepper haired, wrinkly man smiled kindly, 

"Thank you Sir Vantile" Roxanne remembered his name because her grandpa gave her three names with faces to memorize the important people. 

Her gaze automatically scanned the present people to find hints of reluctance or opposition but found none. She smiled 'now I get to go home and sleep' 

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