chapter 31

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Safe to say Loman failed to create humour in that atmosphere. 

"In essence, I should have more trust issues with everyone around us and find a better hiding spot for the key?" Roxanne subconsciously hunched inside herself at the thought of distancing from her newly found mates. Just yesterday she couldn't wait to see them again and now she was dreading it, what the actual fuck is wrong with her luck? 

"We, Roxy, we. WE are not to trust anyone around us, we're together in this. It hurts to even think of keeping something this big from zerithia and I can't even imagine how you feel. But we're blood Roxy, triplets for fuck's sake, we make each other whole and you're not in this alone I swear to you baby sis." Loman straightened his back, there was no way his baby sis was pulling herself back in that shell after it took her so much effort and energy to learn to trust her own triplets again. Loman has the full capacity to hell with the world if it meant keeping his baby sis trusting them, one look at Cain and he knew they agreed on this. They love their mate, no doubt about it, they just love their precious sister more. After all they've been through to achieve this bond, it's all justified.

"Loman... I can't ask you to do this, the thought of looking at my own mates with a new gaze that searches for answers instead of love is....for the lack of a better word, unsettling. I don't and cannot ask you to go through this. You...can let zerithia know" Roxanne shook her head in denial, how could she ask her two most supportive people to prove their mate's trustworthiness? 

"No, even I think it's better if only the 3 of us know about it until at least a few days. Let's gauge the reactions of people and we'll place our safe bets then." Cain stated firmly, standing up from his seated position and straightening his already spotless shirt. 

Loman walked up to Roxanne and motioned for her to stand up, a little confused, she did. she watched as Cain steadily came up to them upon Loman's beckoning looking suspicious before Loman jumped squishing both his siblings into himself as the tallest one. (well cain and him had like the difference of an inch but who's counting) 

Roxanne initially stiffened but relaxed just as quickly in their familiar embrace, home, this is what home felt like. 

"Also, can't we just reverse engineer the spider key?" Loman suddenly chirped up, muffled between his other sibling's shoulders. A sudden force pushed Loman back enough to mourn the loss of comfort before a smaller one came barrelling into him.

"Loman you're a bloody genius. Why couldn't you say this earlier." A genuine smile broke out on Roxanne's lips looking up her brother, this man drove her nuts, and she would let him. 

"hell why didnt any of us think of this before?" Roxanne pouts lightly, stepping away from further human contact and pulling up her holographic screen again. 

"Because it wasn't in danger before" Cain simply shrugged in a matter-of-fact way. Technically he was right, this originally did start with Roxanne's urge to turn a literal tech myth into reality. How were any of them supposed to know it would start a nightmare like this? Whatever, they'll take responsibility for it, and end the thing, myths remain myths for a reason. Life lesson of the day. 

"I'll start working on the code, keep my work going in the office. I'll...probably call if I need anything?" Roxanne yanked her coat off one of the tables as she speed walked towards her room at home presumably 

"why was there a question at the end of the sentence" Cain gave a resigned sigh supported by his identical brother's sad smile. 

They called this phase the dragon phase, Roxy started hoarding things when she was in this stare. she was too engrossed in trying to create something tats he'd hole up while cup ramens and other bad but convenient food packagings pile dup in her room. it was the epitome of unhealthy but Roxy had achieved genius things with this tactic, that and it was physically impossible to get her pt of the room in that state. She went full bipolar with the whole look of bloodshot eyes and weird sentences that sounded jumbled to normal human ears. She was like Einstein on dope. 

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