Chapter 14

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The boys and Helixiar had come over every day for a week and now every staff was familiar with their young miss' mates. 

somehow, Roxanne's parents and the mates (a/n: yes thats what i'm calling them -.-) managed to never cross paths, even Grandpa Black would be in hurry always and could only formally greet them. 

At the moment, the six of them were splayed across Roxanne's bed.

Rolkan was using Roxanne's tummy as pillow while the said girl fiddled with the designs she stayed up making last night. 

Helixiar was nibbling on chocolate, occasionally feeding Roxanne loving the way her soft red lips curled around her fingers. She praised herself for the control of not absolutely smothering the girl's lips. 

Abel was laying on Roxanne's thigh, right beside Rolkan while Holwen was cuddling Helixiar from behind and Zolekh softly discussed the designs Roxanne was fiddling with laying on her other side, opposite to Helixiar. 

It was such a harmonious sight Zerithia almost killed Loman for banging open the door. 

Cain was not sure how to feel seeing these people on his sister's bed looking so cute, even he did not dare to stay in her bed for she would throw him out for sitting in the wrong posture. 

Annoyance at being disturbed was very blatant in everyone's eyes except Roxanne's, hers were filled with incredulity. 

"ahem" Loman flushed lightly with embarrassment, he tends to forget that she has her own mates now, he could have come at a real wrong time.

" you not know how to knock?" Roxanne sighed unwilling to move, instead, she snuggled closer into Zolekh's chest. 

"quit feeding me this dog food will you? Last time I forgot to inform but dad specifically told me to tell you about the banquet the Snowmans are holding" Loman grumbled. 

"they are the Frosts, they are one of the top ten influential families. When will you both refer to them as so" Cain wanted to pull out his hair really hearing Roxanne snort

"Their house is not better than an igloo, so damn white it hurts my eyes" a sneer was very visible on Loman's face. 

"The girl of that house makes wanna punch snowmen till I have frostbite, not that you would know she acts like a fucking angel in front of you" The mates had heard this amount of contempt from Roxanne's tone for the first time making them amused. 

'Really who is this girl?' 

"Oh wait." They were confused seeing Roxanne's eyes brighten in mirth 

"It will be awesome seeing Zerithia's encounter with her" Loman could not help but perk up at this too. Their Zerithia was awesome, she would definitely put the little piece of shit in her place. 

Roxanne's eyes were almost cruel, she was absolutely looking forward to this showdown. 

Once the intruders left the peace fell back on the group. 

"Come to think of it...I also have an invite. Dad told me to go and show off our higher rank in the international sales magazine to those 'stick up the muds' quote on quote" Rolkan remembered, 

"Haven't we all received one?" Zolekh frowned remembering the pristine white invitation. 

They all nodded.

"Then lets go together?" Holwen peeped up from Helixiar's neck hearing a variety of 'sure's from his mates except Roxanne.

He turned to look at her to see slight hesitance in her eyes. 

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