Chapter 32

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Roxanne felt crazy. 

As of now, she was eating, breathing, sleeping, basically living through virtual and physical keyboards. She actively did not know when she had last got up for anything except water. Sure, she still had her senses and could hear hazy noises knocking on her door but did she reply to them? yeah no. 

Feeling her right ring finger cramp she winced, pausing the click clack of the keys. The silence that greeted her felt eery in her own mind. Stretching out her legs she walked over to the large window walls covered by pitch black blinds. It was nighttime apparently, her room looked out to the city in all its glory of skyscrapers with uniform square windows glowing like fireflies in the distance, cars ever in the hurry to get to their destination, streetlights, and the barely visible stars in the chaos of the human world. Sometimes she wonders to herself if she should have ever gotten into the tech sector, sure it was a massive step for human progression but was it really worth the consequences that came with it? 

She's concerned about a device she created with her own hands, a key for co-operation and mass efficiency, was it really if she's trying so hard to reverse it? 

Is it not simply a tool for mind control in the wrong hands? a tool of suppression? a tool to erase free speech and thought and privacy? 

"What's done is done" she spoke to herself, a shiver running down her spine from the hoarseness of her own voice. She glanced back at the bright screen and the blinking cursor, she should really finish this and get over with it. 


Just as she was about to ease into her position back on the chair, she pursed her lips, should she answer it? 

"Roxy, baby. It's been three days and I have to leave for a meeting tomorrow... come spare this old man some of your time will you?" her grandpa's still strong voice came somewhat muffled. Sighing she pushed herself away from her gadgets, shutting them in the process and walking to the door. 

She opened it to reveal her grandpa's surprised yet happy face. Well as happy as he could manage to look with the permanent stern business man gaze that had taken over his face. She felt a smile take over her own features as exhaustion hit her. The switch in her brain automatically switched off, letting her feel emotional warmth in her bones again. 

"If I knew what a rat you'd become I would have forced you to keep sharing rooms with your brothers" Grandpa Black teased a smirk, pulling the girl into himself. He could see something has been troubling his grandchildren, Loman and Cain also haven't been themselves for the past 3 days. Roxanne looked tired enough to fall over without any extra support, he gently separated her from himself and guided her to the living room. 

He knew she would not say anything even if he was to step into her room with her, but he also knew it made her uncomfortable having someone else in her space. Loman was the first one who managed to breach that discomfort followed by Cain. That was why when they found her mates in there with her, they has not expected it. 

"Butler, would you please get some refreshments that make this child gain some colour back in her cheeks?" Grandpa Black smiled at his confidante, receiving a small nod in response. 

"Grandpa." Roxanne croaked out, wincing at herself, she cleared her throat before speaking again. 

"What is this business trip you said right now?" 

Grandpa had been out of the business for quite some time, she was confused as to what had made the man get involved himself. 

"Ah, did I say business trip? I meant a vacation" a mischievous grin lit up his face as she watched Roxanne go process the information, ending with a scowl on her face., 

"This family needs to stop tricking me into doing things" she huffed out, dissolving into a smile again as she heard him laugh. 

"Where do you think you got the brains for doing the same child?" Roxanne simply shook her head at his response. She eyed the treats butler was placing in front of her as her grandpa picked up the scones to prepare them for her. Overloaded with butter with a thin layer of apricot jam. This had been the first thing she had eaten with her grandpa, the first introduction he got with the little girl. It had been their thing ever since. 

"you know, Roxanne..." grandpa paused to hand her the scone 

"Aurum and I can always tell when something is bothering your siblings and you" he picked up another scone for himself presumably as he continued 

"I know you kids try to handle everything yourself but you're, as I said, still kids. Share you worries with us, we'll help you in any way we can. We are always there for you three, ready for whichever role you need us to play" He looked up from the scone at her, the grateful relief in hey eyes was enough for him right now. He knew his message had been communicated, she was not alone. He smiled to himself, his wife would have never thought man like him would reassure someone else about sharing their feelings. She would have never let Roxanne go through such troubles in the first place, she would also have probably helped Roxanne with emotions better than any of them ever could.

 After all, Cordelia Rothschild Black was the only woman who brought Alistair Black to his knees.

"You're thinking about grandma again arent you?" Roxanne's now semi-normal voice broke him out of his nostalgia. He simply nodded yes to her question. 

"I think she would have been a wonderful grandma, she raised dad to be a man of a girl's dreams" Roxanne attempted to comfort her grandpa, her siblings and she had never met their grandma. She had passed just 2 months before they were born. That was also why they met their grandpa for the first time on their first birthday. 

He was mourning his wife so he had completely blocked himself away while Aurum buried himself in work. That's why the other two parents had so much autonomy over the triplets. Their first birthday though, grandpa became her only string to emotions besides the occasional bedtime narratives from Aurum.

And Roxanne became Alistair's tether to his late wife. She had the same rare shade of silver hair that had passed on to her defying all odds of the strong Black genes. Her shade of silvery blue eyes which had also passed down to Aurum and a similar voice which grew more monotone as years passed. 

Despite the resemblance, the little child with sullen eyes that brightened when they landed on him, carved a new and special place within his heart. He loved Cain and Loman from the bottom of his heart too but Roxanne could destroy everything he's built and he would simply hug her as an apology for not making the foundations stronger. 


No actual plot progression just some familial fluff. 

IBs are approaching and everyone I know, including myself is dying, I'm kinda an atheist but god bless batch of 24.


bye, love y'all, take care, mwah. 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 18 ⏰

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