Chapter 24

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Roxanne did just as she promised Aurum and took the next day off. half of it because her three mates were continuosly fussing over her and partly over the fact that she was utterly exhausted.

She still answered calls from Kitty though who knew only to call when something really really needed her help. Everyone knew how much the girl had on her plate yesterday.

Although, Roxanne had completely avoided facing her brothers for now, knowing that there is a big lecture coming through she could only sigh at the thought. 

"Oh by the way" Abel's voice called out for attention from the three other in Roxanne's room busy on their phones making them all look at him.

"Are we all going to the Silverstones' gathering today?" Roxanne eyes widened slightly remembering the invite and Chan's insistence on going, she was surprised Abel also had connections in the shady sector. 

"I have a few of my clients going so yea" Rolkan's affirmation reminded Roxanne of the fact that the Scamander's largest source of inflow was the real estate sector and these gangs are filthy rich, enough to afford the houses in the same colony. 

It's weird how the so called upper circle has about equal parts people on both sides of the law, working harmoniously well, most of the time. 

"It's more of a secret auction than a banquet and I'm looking for a gift for mom, I'm thinking of giving it a go" Abel shrugged to Rolkan's affirmation making Holwen hum lightly as if contemplating.

"Roxanne?" The golden haired boy chose to ask her before giving his own answer 

"I'll go, my brothers will too. It's been a while since we've had one hosted to this large an extent and chan was also insisting on it. I think I'll find something interesting there." The blue grey eyes had a slight twinkle in them that the guys could only describe as mischievous. 

"Then I'll go too, although it's been a while since I have been to one of these" Holwen added to the discussion 

"You should all head home to get ready because it's only... two hours from now" Roxanne let out a small chuckle seeing the guys fumble about realising how long they stayed over without any notice to anybody back at their own homes, . They're surely in for it now. 

Each of them placed small kiss on Roxanne's forehead before leaving through the door promising to meet in a while. 


Roxanne swiped a clean winged eyeliner and gave herself an all over look in the mirror. 

She was dressed in a solid black jumpsuit that had straight but slightly loose legs and full sleeved. The neck was a deep V-neck that reverend just enough cleavage to remain classy, the shoulders were lightly padded with a silver Chanel  buckle black belt wrapped around her thin waist. The outfit was paired with silver loops and black stilettos with blood red lipstick and soft smoky eye makeup. The whole look made her look very intimidating, nice. 

Took out of patience to do anything with her hair, they fell in waves almost til her lower back. Finally putting on a silver ring band on her index finger with a silver watch studded with diamonds added to the sharp look making her nod in satisfaction.  

"Prepare everything necessary for dad and his mates' arrival and grandpa should be coming in tomorrow as well so do that. Take some food for yourself and your family if you like" Roxanne nodded towards the butler before grabbing her Rolls Royce keys and drove off. 

The sleek matte racer car pulled up in front of heavy looking gates that Roxanne recognised as one of her own old creations. Man this place clearly needs an upgrade.

A scanner ray automatically scanned over Roxanne's irises and o swung the bars open making it look like swinging paper. 

The host, Shashi Silverstone, a multimillionaire with deep connections in alcohol trade with another more legally acceptable business front owner of a chain of five star restaurants all over the world was himself waiting for the esteemed Roxanne Black with his wife, the owner of very well off poker clubs in Country Z (the country they live in). 

Coincidentally, Loman and Cain had just pulled up behind Roxanne and from the looks of it, they left Zerithia behind. Ignoring their accusing glares Roxanne pretended to smile and greet the two hosts making the other two follow suit. 

Both the brothers were dressed in identical black suits as the three of them were personally escorted to their seats in the front row of what looked like an auditorium.  

Roxanne immediately caught Helixiar's cold looking eyes that turned warm like a switch when they fell on her own figure, Holwen was seated right beside the beside the girl with the ever warm smile present on his face. 

Loman just shared an exasperated look with Cain seeing the scene, his sister did even know how soft she looked just looking at her soulmates it was almost like a new personality she wasn't aware she could have. It was a good thing though, this is what they want for her even though it pains to see how she's not only gonna be protected by them anymore. 

"Welcome ladies and gentlemen, today we have the most exclusive treasures you will ever only have heard of. Ranging from the one and only claw of the silver wolf to a device that can control everything within a 10 mile radius!! Yes, it's the legendary Spider Key!!!" 

The host's declaration resulted in the whole area divulging into a chaotic bunch of whispers and gasps. The spider key is only called to be a myth, named its ability to create a web and connect all electronics within a 10 mile radius (or so they think) to one main user. It's almost making someone the god of technology in that particular area. 

Unknown to the excited yet doubtful crowd, the Black siblings demeanours changed, they stiffened and their expressions could only be described as blank as they shared a look. 

"This thing has to be a farce" Roxanne whispered out loud making Helixiar look at her questioningly. 

"Maybe but why do you so that so surely?" She looked at the platinum blond whose now looking closely she could see had her jaw clenched and eyes hard glaring into the red curtain separating them from the view of the stage, but what she said next could not be imagined in Helixiar's most outrageous dreams 

"Because I made it" 


Roxanne: *says she created the greatest invention in technology ever* 

Helixiar: *gaping*

Rolkan: *smirking* "I always knew she was a genius"

Holwen: "I  think....I'm going to have a stroke" 

Zolekh: *sighs* "I'm not even surprised anymore" 

Abel: "...are you sure you're human, my love?"


Author: *sees 6.5k read and 116 votes* 

Author: *cries tears of gratitude* 

also author: "thank you all for so much support, I promise the updates will get more regular after a few weeks or so but thank you sooooo much for being this patient with me and this story, keep voting, reading and interacting (〃⌒∇⌒)" 

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