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!This takes place in the aot universe!

We gathered around the beach, watching as the ship approached.

"Everyone stay alert!" Hange commanded. We stayed hidden, just incase they decided to turn on us.

Eren just had to follow through with the plan and everything would be alright. Thank fully, he did and he transformed into his titan form, carrying the ship over to shore while some soldiers fell overboard.

One man was held at gunpoint, and I was suddenly gripping onto the weapons in my hands. I still didn't trust the fact that they were coming over onto our island.

A pricing loud noise brought me out of my thoughts as I noticed that one of the soldiers shot the other on board.

I glanced over the rocks, watching as the person took of their helmet, inviting Hange to sit and have tea with them. I was too far away to figure out if they were a woman or man, but their hair was cut short and they towered over everyone around them.

Hange turned to me excitedly. "(Name), you and Armin come on in with us. We could really use your all's help!"

Armin was close by, so I didn't have to go out looking for him. The two of us made our way into the tint before anyone else.

"I don't trust them." Armin sighed.

"I don't either." I mutter. "If they can turn on someone on their own ship, then what's stopping them from turning on us?"

"Please, make yourselves comfortable." Hange said, leading two individuals into the tint. There was that person from before on the ship and a man with a dark complexion.

"(Name), Armin, I would like to introduce you two to Yelena and Onykopon."

"I'm Onykopon," The dark man said, holding his hand for both me and Armin to shake.

The other person, presumably Yelena, said nothing and simply took her seat. Hange stepped into the tint with Levi following as they decided to get straight to business.

Hange informed to me and Armin that this meeting was for us to learn about the technology from Marley so we could improve our own.

After sitting down with the two Marleyans for just a couple moments, it was clear to us all how far behind our civilization was to theirs.

Yelena had even mentioned fighting from the sky. Speaking of Yelena, I actually had a hard time focusing. The woman seemed very rude considering she didn't take the time to introduce herself to us, but she was extremely attractive and I couldn't help but glance over to her every couple of minutes.

I know I probably should have been paying attention because this was probably too much information for Armin to take in all on his own.

The meeting ended quicker than I had wanted it to. Everyone walked out as me and Armin stayed behind.

"Why were you so distracted today, (Name)? That's so unlike you." Armin said, turning around to face me.

"Was it obvious?" I chuckle.

"Yeah, pretty much everyone was looking over at you. Even Hange whispered to me how odd it was for you to just space out like that."

"I'm sorry." I sigh. "Maybe I'm just tired."

"Maybe." Armin nods. "But you were looking at that Marleyan woman a lot. Don't think that we didn't notice that."

"Damn it." I curse quietly to myself. Armin lets out a chuckle.

"It's okay, I think she's on our side. She did give us plenty of information. You should just be very careful around her. I still don't completely trust her."

"No, you're right Armin."

He nods and the two of us walk out of the tent and go our separate ways.

When I turn down the hall to go back to my room, I accidentally run into someone standing right in front of me.

"Shit, Im so sorry, are you okay?" I open my eyes, only to be met with someone's chest. After glancing up, I was able to recognize that I ran into Yelena, the woman from earlier.

"I thought your room was down this way." She smirks, leaning her shoulder up against the wall.

"How'd you figure that out? Why are you here?"

"I don't know, that meeting was just pretty strange." I felt my face heating up.

"I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable. I'm just super tired and I keep zoning out."

"No, I wasn't uncomfortable and you don't have to lie about being tired. I actually thought it was pretty cute."

"Cute?" Now I know my face must have turned some crazy dark shade of red.

"Yeah. It was just cute how you couldn't even pay attention to what I was saying." She straightened herself up, stepping closer to me.

I stepped back out of instinct. Part of me wanted to step closer to her just to see what would happen next, but the other part of me that was a complete pussy backed out.

"You don't have to run away from me." She said, stepping closer once again. "I promise you can trust me."

"Can I?"

"Sure. I came here to help you guys."

I nod slowly. She kept inching closer, but I could only step back so far. My back eventually hit a wall and now Yelena was standing right in front of me.

I had to lift my head so that I could make eye contact with her. My eyes trailed down to her lips before forcing myself to look back in her eyes.

She must have gotten the message because yet another smirk made its way onto her lips.

She leaned down so that her face was right in front of mine, and soon enough our lips met.

Word Count : 959

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