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I sniffled to myself quietly. "This is pathetic." I whisper. Not to anyone specifically. I was the only one sitting out here.

I just needed to get out of my house because I was upset. My girlfriend ended up dumping me after five years of a committed relationship. Her only reason for dumping me was because she got bored. Who does that?

I probably should have brought a coat considering it was winter and it was snowing out here, but of course I couldn't even do that.

I wiped the tears away that threatened to spill from my eyes and took slow deep breaths.

My head snapped up when I heard footsteps hurriedly running down the alley way.

They started slowing and soon, I found a woman with short blonde hair standing at the bottom of the alleyway. She must have heard me sniffling because she looked up in my direction, her brows furrowed slightly.

She started climbing up the stairs, making her way towards me.

"Hey," She said softly. "Hey, are you okay. Why are you crying? Why don't you have a coat on it's freezing!"

"Nothing, I'm fine." I said, shaking my head.

"No, it's obvious you're not." She laughed, taking a seat on the stair beside me. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want because I have no idea who you are, but if you need someone, there's literally a person sitting right next to you."

I chuckle to myself, playing with the hem on my shirt. "Thanks I guess."


"So why were you running down the alley?"

"I thought I left my keys back in my apartment, but when I got to the landing, I felt them in my pocket so I kinda just stopped running. And then I heard you crying so I came up here. Why aren't you wearing a coat?"

"I just didn't bring one." I said, kicking around at the snow on my shoes.

"Right." The woman sighs. "My name's Yelena. You don't have to tell me yours if you don't want but I just thought that you should know my name."

"I like that name." I smile. "My name is (Name)."

"That's nice." I could practically hear the smile in her voice. "How long do you plan on sitting out here?"

I shrug. "Not really sure. I don't really know what to do right now."

"I wish I could help." She sighs. "Obviously something bad happens if you're just sitting out in the cold."

"Yeah." I mutter. I guess there's no reason why she can't know. "My girlfriend of five years dumped me."

"Shit." She mumbles. "That really does suck. I'm sorry."

"Not your fault." I said, shaking my head. "It was just out of nowhere and I don't really know what to do. So I just came out here and sat down."

"Ive never really had many relationships." Yelena starts. "We'll, except one. And I remember when it ended. It really sucked and I understand where you're at right now."

"Thanks." It felt good that she got it.

"This is just something you have to move on from. It's totally fine if it takes you a long time, but you just have to learn to let go of them."


I felt a warm material draped over my shoulders. I turn around to see that Yelena placed her coat over my shoulders.

"No, Yelena. Take your coat back. You'll freeze!"

"No, you need it, (Name)." I could see her shivering, but she seemed fully committed on giving me the coat. I let out a long sigh before wrapping my arms around her shoulder and pulled her closer to transfer my body heat over to her.

"It's beautiful when it snows, isn't it?" She asked, cuddling up beside me.

"It really is."

I could still feel her shivering beside me, but it wasn't as bad as before.


She hums in response.

"What was your last relationship like and how did you move on?"

"I was with this woman, I won't say her name, but we were together for three years. I found out that she cheated on me so I broke it off with her. I hated the fact that I still loved her after that, but those feelings started going away when I had this crush on someone else, but I never actually got with them. I was only able to move on because of that other person. But there's better ways to move on than that."

I nod slowly.

"(Name), can we exchange numbers? You're a really great person to talk to and I think I want to get to know you better."

"Yeah, of course." I smile, punching my number in her phone.

"Thanks." She smiles. Her smile was absolutely gorgeous. I cursed myself for looking straight ahead instead of looking at her tonight. Her eyes are absolutely stunning. And that smile. Her smile was just so cute.

She obviously noticed me staring because she turned back around and glanced down the stairs.

She picked herself up from my side, standing up and turning back to face me. "I should probably go, but it was really great getting to meet you. I really look forward to talking to you again."

"Yeah." I smile. He stir a to walk away, but I stop her. "Yelena, your coat."

"No, you can keep it. You probably need it more since you've been sitting out here for so long."

"But they keys."

"Oh, right!" She laughs. I dig into the pocket, finding her keys and placing them in her hand. Our fingers brush and she starts making her way back down the steps.

"Bye, (Name). Ill text you later tonight!"

I waved goodbye and watched her disappear down the alley.

Word Count : 965

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