(Smut) Fezco- party

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Tumble- Gegewrites/b-a-s-i-c-brat
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Rues narration-

Another day if this shitty place, okay so walking along the lockers with Maddy is (y/n). Yes the chick who you can usually find with Fez. It's no secret that she's fucking him for drugs. I know I've seen her at his place all the time, she always at the gas station with him and ashtray, she always around him, and fez gets a little bit annoyed when I talk about her to him.
I don't know much about her though, we stopped talking in middle school, but (y/n) wasn't the type of person you think would hang around Fez and Ash. She was smart, had a future planned out for her, she didn't indulge much in party favors.
(y/n) and Fez met when (y/n) needed some weed when she was 15, and from there she always went to fez for her supply. It wasn't until sophomore year when she turned 16 did she start fucking him, and he just let it happen, maybe against his own judgement cause he was 18, but it wasn't like she was doing it for oxy or coke.
Now that I'm thinking about it, I think she really just likes him, she gets this big smile on her face when she sees him and he seems to glow a bit but maybe that's just how stoned he is.

(Y/n)s pov-

"You seeing Fez later?" Maddy asked as we stopped at her locker.
"Ya at work, why?" I leaned on the metal.
"I need some weed, and some Molly." She reached into her purse and grabbed some cash out.
"Alright." I counted it out, 70,"I'll see what I can get you."
"Could you fuck him for a lil extra?" She smirked.
"No." I smiled,"you going to Neils party tonight."
"Of course, you bringing fez?"
"I think he's going cause business but I don't know."

Rues narration-

(y/n) and maddy have been friends since 8th grade, Nate and (y/n) hate each other, always have. So you can imagine the strain that put on things. But (y/n) wasnt worried about it and Maddy could care less, Nate though, thrived on it but that's for another day.
(y/n) had work after school today, she works with Fez and Ash at the gas station, she got the job this year, but was doing it for year last year anyways. apparently men see her so they come in more, fez doesn't let them anywhere near her though always getting in between her and the guy and women just feel a tad safer, makes sense with todays world.

Your pov-
Half and hour later at gas station-

I parked my car, and made my way out making sure to grab my phone and such. I locked my car as I walked over to Fez who was leaning on the counter looking my way.
"It's fucking freezing." I stated as the littlest smile grew in his freckled face.
"Walk fasta' then." He shrugged as I entered into the store,"warm in here."
"Party at Neil's today." I put my bag on the counter.
"Ya? You goin'?" I shrugged my shoulders as he wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me onto him, I wrapped my arm around his waist.
"Maddy wants me to." I rested my cheek on his chest,"I gotta bring her some stuff so I don't see why I won't."
"If you goin' I'll go." I looked up at him and we shared a small kiss,"comin to my place tonight?"
"Where else do I ever go?"
"Shi' you right." He chuckled as I parted from him.

Rues narration-

(y/n) basically lived with Fez, she still had a room at her parents but with her dad being way for work all the time and her mom working nights she didn't really see them and she didn't like being alone so she stayed with fez most of the time, not that he was arguing, he liked having her in his bed and her being there for him to admire.
Ashtray also didn't mind having her around, she made a killer fucking Mac and cheese and he loved it he won't admit it, but he enjoyed her being around. She also helped Fez with his grandma which meant a lot to Fez One thing he didn't like, Mouse likes her. Worried Fez a bit but (y/n) is great at ignoring people. Fez once pissed her off big time and she ignored him for 3 days, and yes even at work and at his place. He likes the chase, she's his best high.

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