Dr.house- encore (smut)

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Pre leg, no Stacy.
Again not edited.

Houses pov-

I lightly bit down of the inside corner of lip, my fingers dancing over the keys of the piano.  i don't like Mondays, by the Boomtown Rats filled the apartment. (Y/n) was coming home late, she was teaching a night class at the hospital. Transplant lecture, sounds boring. Since the clock on wall said it was 10:05 she should be back any minute.

My fingers trailed off from the original tune to just playing the keys in random Rhythms. I started to loose track the time, falling into the music.
The moment of peace was cut off by the sound of the door opening  and closing.
"How was it?" I asked as the lock latched and I heard her shoes getting kicked off.
"Only four of the kids are going places." Her arms slid over my shoulders to sit on my chest , as her chin sat on my right shoulder. I felt her weight relax onto me.
"Seems like the right statistic." I remarked, leaning my head onto hers. I let my fingers trail to a stop, my right hand coming up to cradle the back of her head.  She let out a hum, starting to stand she kissed my temple. Her fingers trialing up my shirt and sat on my shoulders for a second.
"I'm getting out of these clothes." I watched her as she started walking away.
"Need some help?" I offered and she shook her head with a light chuckle as she turned the corner to the hallway.

Your pov-

I walked out of the bedroom, and padded down the hall. in his Death Valley shirt and a pair of panties. I was gonna go to sleep In a bit, but I wanted to talk to him first.
He was still playing the piano, that's the one thing I'd never argue about.
"What'd you leave off with?" I asked as I turned into the living room, walking behind the couch.
"Should be discharged in the morning, he's on observation for the night." He took his hands away from the piano and straddled the bench as I came closer. His hands sat on my hips and slid to my ass  as I sat down on his lap.
"Good." I placed a small kiss to his lips which he leaned onto, holding me tightly against him. As arms draped over his shoulders. I pulled my face away from him,"I have another class Saturday."
"Ends at ten."  I pecked his lips . His hands slid further down my ass, holding the bottom of it in his palms. I could feel his fingertips against my skin, his thumbs rubbed soft and tight circles on the fabric of my panties, simultaneously squeezing it.
"Do you really prefer lecture to clinic duty?" He leaned forward snd I tilted my head. He pressed his lips against my skin, the slight stubble he had on his upper lip and chin tickling it.
"Hell no." I giggled, feeling his teeth start nipping at my neck,"but it gets me a bonus when I get paid."
"Didn't know about that." He pulled away from me. his brows furrowed, his right brow cocked slightly.
"I just found out." My hands slid to the back of his head and moved his head back to my neck,"makes it worth it."

I pushed my body into him a little bit more, his hand left me, taking hold of the Fall and shut it over the pianos Keys. His tongue swiped over my pulse point, I tugged at his hair trying to get him to divert from the area. Not a very professional thing, and I happen to like my reputation at the hospital. He didn't move away, his teeth made contact with my skin as his lips sucked on it. His pressure getting harder, wanting a dark colored mark.
"Are you being serious right now?"  He popped off my neck and placed a kiss to the area and leaned back a bit to look at me.
"So a hickey is considered unprofessional in your book, yet being on your knees under my not private desk...isn't?" He raised his brow, his hands trailing up from my ass and under my shirt, his index and middle fingers hooking into the band that sat along my hips.
"Yes, the hickey lasts for a good week, you can see it. Blowing you only lasts 7 minutes and you have blinds in your office."  I informed him and he nodded slowly. His blue eyes drifted from mine to my neck.
"Might wanna wear a turtle neck to work." I rolled my eyes in annoyance as his hands started slowly pulling my panties down. Because I was straddling him he wouldn't be able to get them off, so I moved off of him.

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