Fezco- Big Pimpin'(smut)

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Not edited at all
Words- 4938
Content warning- smut, drug use, dub-con?

Your pov-

"I know what we're doing for Halloween!" I announced as I walked up the small hit of stairs and down the hall into the living room when Fezco and ash were.
"N' what's that?" Fez asked, he was rolling a blunt on the table.
"Pimp and slut." I said firmly which ripped a laugh outta ash.
"What?!" He asked through his laughter.
"Wha'?" Fez asked looking up at me.
"You heard me, I order your costume already, it'll be here Monday and so will the rest of mine."
"I- wait what?" He couldn't grasp what I was making him dress up as, his idea was Scarface, mine pimp and slut.
"You bein' a pimp fez." Ash said as I sat on the stool behind fez.
"You gon be my pimp fez."
"He isn't already?" Ash said as fez handed me his lit blunt as he got up from the table.
"No." Fez shook his head as I took a hit of the blunt and handed it back,"so what's this costume look like."
"Dark blue pimp suit, just look it up...including the flared legs and cheetah print."  He shook his head walking over the couch handing ash the blunt as he sat down.
"And what does your costume look like?" He looked over the couch at me.
"You know that baby blue dress I have?" I got off of the stool and sat down on his lap.
"I'm wearing that with my blue chunky blinged heels."
"That dress barely covers anything." I put my hand out for the blunt and ash passed it.
"Exactly." I smiled,"what're you doing ash?"
"Al Capone."
"Aight, respect." I handed the blunt to fez as I rested my head on his shoulder.
"Pimp and slut." He whispered to himself,"feel so wrong Sayin that."
"Not like you're trafficking her like a real pimp." Ash said.
"But still."
"You should try and pimp me out to rue."I got off of fez's Lap,"speaking of rue, I'm gonna go meet up with her, she sober she said, so we're gonna watch some movies."
"Yo." He grabbed my arm as I turned around the couch, I leaned down and gave him a kiss,"meet at the shop after?"
"Yup, see you boys later."

A few days later-

I went down the hall and down the shirt set of stairs and into Fezcos room, the Amazon box in my hand.
"Get up." I said to him as I tossed the box on the bed.
"Not the pimp suit." He groaned jokingly sitting up in the bed, he was chilling on his phone.
"Don't act you were asking me everyday if it came yet." I used my nail to cut the tape on the box.
"Nah you dreamin." He chuckled as I grabbed the plastic wrapped fabric out of the,"what the fuck." The first thing you saw in the packaging was the dark blue and the cheeta print.
"Pimp suit."

Fezcos pov-

I was now standing in the pimp suit.
"Okay okay, flared legs are definitely for you."
(y/n) said, her hands on my waist and he head poking from under my arm.
"I hate you."
"You look hot." She purred as she ducked under my arm and to the closet,"we are gonna look hot."
"You gon look hot, im gon look like in straight out of the fuckin Boondocks." I said she she laughed.
"Slickbacks suit was purple." She said as I took the jacket off and started to get undressed and she walked past me and jumped onto the bed,"those chains look hot though."
"(y/n) you just have a chain fetish." I looked at her through the mirror.
"Is that a thing?"I tossed the pants to her and she grabbed them, folding them up.
"I think so?" I grabbed my sweats from the edge of the bed and put them back on. She handed me the folded fabric and I put it with her costume. I jumped into the bed, laying down next to her.

"Hi." She rolled over and got onto my lap.
"Yo." I put my hands on her thighs,"was' good?"
"Nothing much, what about you?"
"I'm stoned N' got a pretty girl on my lap." She nodded before laying her head in the crook of my neck.
"You livin the good life huh?" She giggled and kissed my pulse.

Your pov-

"Alright." I finished touching up my makeup and looked at fez through the mirror who was smoking a blunt and watching me get ready.
"Shit Ma." He chuckled,"I ain't gon last the whole night." He kissed my neck and then my jaw, his hands on my hips.
"I give you two hours before we get a room." I turned in his grip and walked down the hall going to the bedroom,"ash you ready?!"
"Yup." I heard him say from the living room, he was dressed as Al Capone, cigar and all.
"Oh my god." I laughed,"you look adorable."
"And you look like a whore." He stated as he tossed me the car keys.
"It fine cause she my whore." Fez said as I handed him the keys.
"Ion wan be seen wit' either of you tonight....well maybe (y/n)." I couldn't help but laugh,"hold on Fez, arent you just dressed like your dad?"
"I hate you fo' being in' that up." fez started to walk down the hall before turning to look at us," Alright, Les' go. There's money to make."

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