Daryl Dixon- stupid

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Note-After Woodbury war(before second attack)

Darlys pov-

"where the hell is (y/n)?" I said walking into the D-block, almost all of the main group was here, early in the morning. (y/n) and k slept in the wardens office, made it into a room.
"Good morning to you too." Glenn chuckled.
"What do you mean?" Maggie asked, turning the conversation back on track. Beth was sitting next to her with lil Asskicker in her arms, Carl next to her. Hershel and Carol were sitting at another table, looking back at me.
"She's gone." I leaned on the railing of the stairs,"she ain't anywhere in this damn place, her bike is gone, her gear is gone, she is gone."
"She didn't tell you where she was going?" Carol asked and I rolled my eyes.
"Would I be askin yall if she did?" I saw Rick finally walk out from the cells.
"What's going on?" He finished buttoning his shirt.
"(y/n)s gone." Glenn looked back at him.
"Where she go?" He looked at him and I pinched the bridge of my nose.
"So none of y'all know?"I looked at everyone, and they all shook their heads,"great to know."

Your pov-

I stopped my bike, looking up the dead road at the hospital. I could see walkers all around it, even some walking the road towards me. Hershel said we needed more medical supplies with the new large group of people. Told him I'd see what I could do. Now I know the team is gonna have my ass for leaving without saying anything, I know Darly will for a fact..unless he finds the note I left on my jacket on the dresser. I felt like I needed to do this alone though. before I found the camp at the start of this, making my way through heavily infested towns and buildings alone was just how it was for me. Didn't have to watch out for anyone else but yourself.
I kicked down the stand on my bike and got off. I had a backpack on with a large duffle bag inside. I was completely armed and ready.

I took look at the walker walking towards me and I grabbed my machete from its sheath on my back and walked towards it. It groaned and moaned, walking towards me with the heavy intention on eating me, instead, I sliced its head and it fell to the ground. I remember when Glenn, Rick, and I used walker guts to get through the large crowd of them in the city, ya know the day we left merely on the roof.
I knelt to the ground, taking a look behind me. I let out and exhale as I put my knife to the ground and grabbed the gloves I had in my pocket and put them on. I grabbed my knife, and sliced it stomach open and shivered at the unholy smell. I left out a groan as I sheathed my machete.
"Hershel this better be worth it." I dug into it stomach gathering blood and other gross parts of it and rubbed in on the front of my zipped up hoodie, I left my leather jacket at the base, decided my old hoodie would hold the smell a bit better.
I covered my arms, my shoulders, reaching around as far as I could to cover my back. I stood up, leaning down to grab more of the remains and covered the Denim over my thighs.
"Jesus Fucking Christ." I groaned as I grabbed my backpack and threw it onto my back. I looked back at my bike and looked at the hospital. It looked about a 10 minute walk, taking my bike in wouldn't be worth it with the sound...so I started walking.

I slowly limped past walkers, only being able to hear the groans and see their dead glares at me as I walked by. It was working. I felt relived that it was, I knew it would, but it was still releabing. I could see that the main entrance to the hospital was boarded up, so I started walking to where the ambulance bay was. Most if not all hospitals have been looted for medicine, their pharmacies mainly. Though there were many different areas for medication to be stored, all over the hospital not just the pharmacy.

To my Surprise, when I got to the ambo bay, there were only a few walkers, yet the bay door was open halfway. I looked around as I walked forward. I came armed, I mean two pistols on my waist, two hunting knives, my machete, backpack had 6 magazines for reloading. I'm not stupid, just idiotic.

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