Daryl Dixon- lost and found

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Reader is Daryl's son. Takes places after prison is raided.

Daryl's pov-

I wish I could've prevented it. That I ran out into the field and pushed him down onto the ground before the bullet could've even hit him,
Or even shot the son of a bitch before he was able to pull his trigger...But I couldn't, and even though it felt like time slowed down, I couldn't do anything. The thing is, Seeing (y/n) fall to the ground and never seeing him get up is what actually caused me to get out of the prison. I wanted to run back to him, but I was stopped by the tank driving up the hill and the group of walkers infesting the yard, the only thing on my mind was to kill as much of these Motherfuckers as I could before escaping with Beth.

I went from being in the apocalypse with my brother and my kid, to it just being me and (y/n), and after merle turned, it was just him and I again. Of course we had the group, but it's always just been him and I. Always taking him out to go hunt since he was young, just the two of us, teaching him how to survive in this new world. (y/n) was 15 when this shit started, he already had survival training from before but now was the actual time to use it all.
But he was...stubborn. 17 years old, running into the field after seeing Rick get shot by the bus, risking his life to save someone else's. I don't even know how much of the group made it out, if his "sacrifice" was even worth it. I'm not blaming Rick, I'm not. Im blaming myself, he learned it from me.

Your pov-
(Two weeks)

I looked at the graveyard in front of me. I didn't wanna walk through it. Could walkers claw out kf their graves? We're the people under those gravestones alive? I don't Fuckin know, and I really don't wanna find out, but the only way to get onto some sort of road was to go through it, going around would take longer and use up more energy.
I was alone out here, i got shot in my shoulder, through and through luckily, but I passed out, only for a few seconds maybe a minute, cause I crawled into the turned over bus and closed the back door before I saw how much I was bleeding and passed out, hearing gunshots ring out and walkers groan.

I had a pistol with 4 bullets in it, one in the chamber, a couple rounds of assault amo on my belt along with my hunting knife, but where the assault rifle I had went, I have no damn clue so I'm hoping God takes Pitty on me and one falls from the sky, and I obviously my crossbow that I got for my tenth birthday, though I only had five arrows.
I went out the back side of the prison and at some pint during walking I found the remains of a small fire, with boot and sneaker tracks leading away from it , so I'm hoping I'm going the right way.

My main goal at the moment was to find the cabin my dad and I found on a run and it's pretty far from the prison, we found it by chance.


I walked out of the wood clearing, seeing the old cabin in full view.
"Holy shit." My dad chuckled,"like M'back at home."
"Same." I nodded and glanced up at him as he glanced down at me, a grin growing on his face,"what?"
"Ya know what we got a chance of findin here righ'?" He looked away from me and surveyed the area before he started walking and I followed him, checking out the woods on my side, I didn't see any walkers. I didn't respond, thought it might've been rhetorical,"got an answer?"
"Umm...a dead person?" I stopped at the stairs to the porch, waiting for him to go inside first but he leaned on the porch railing with his arms crossed, his crossbow sling over his shoulder. He gave me a look that told me I should know,"uh..." I looked over at the woods and at the ground as I tried to think,"I don't know, some old alcoholics stash from before this shit?"
"Moonshine,eh close 'nough." He pushed off the railing snd unslung it crossbow and readied it. He walked past me up the stairs and he gave the door a few hard knocks. We stopped and listened for a few seconds before he banged on the door again. I looked out at each end of the porch, making sure the sound didn't draw any walkers that might've been idling around. I heard the door open and heard him walk in.

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