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Your pov-

I crawled into the warm plush bed, making my way under the warm covers, my muscles simultaneously relaxing. I pushed myself a bit too hard today at the mine. Those flies are the only thing keeping me out of there most days but I made it through their who's really got the power?
I laid on my back, my arms behind my head feeling my damp hair on my arm. The stove was burning in the room, so it was warm and cozy, accompanied by the scent of Alex's cologne on his side of the bed. My hunk of a husband was out at the saloon watching gridball with the boys, though it should be over soon if it hadn't already ended. My shoulders are craving his fingers working my muscles. I think I'm just craving him, cause even the thought of him working this knot out of my shoulder had my thighs pressing together lightly.

It was almost like my prayers were answered because I heard Dog scurrying to and barking at the door. I pulled the covers to my legs as I sat up and looked out the cracked bedroom door and saw Alex scratching behind Dogs ear as we closed the door.
"Hey boy! You miss me?" I saw him get down onto one knee, Dog pushing his face into Alex's hands for ultimate ear scratches,"of course you did."
"I missed you too, do I get ear scratches?" I giggled, finally making my presence known. He looked over at me with his famous lopsided toothy grin, and my heart just warmed up. My smile grew brighter as he stood up, giving dog one last ear scratch before making his way to the bedroom.
"Hey good lookin." He winked as he closed the door, his brows furrowed lightly as he looked at my face and walked closer. I raised my brow and leaned back as he leaned forward over me.
"What?" I questioned him as he stood up straight.
"Your lip." He pointed to the right side of his top lip,"what happened babe?" I touched my top lip and i nodded as he sat down on the edge of the bed and took his sneakers and socks off.
"Head butted by one of the cave flies, got caught in a swarm." I laid pushed back into the bed, leaning my back against the headboard. He stood up, with his sneakers in hand, and walked away shaking his head as he put them by the door. I slightly giggled waiting for his cute little lecture about my safety.
"You," he turned around putting his hands in his hips,"should invest- no, even better, wear my football helmet. Its meant to protect your head babe." I let my head fall down as I silently chuckled and winced at the sudden pinching and pulling feeling from the knot in my shoulder.
"I'll think about it." I gave him a smile as I reached with my left hand to rub the knot right between my right shoulder and my neck.
"What else happened?" He took his jacket off and hung it up on the hooks behind the door.
"Got a knot." My eyes fell closed as I worked it, all my muscles tightening up from how much it hurt.
"Scoot up, I got it." I felt his hand on my thigh and I jumped a bit, not expecting him to be there,"sorry." He leaned down and kissed the top of my head, my hand falling from my shoulder as he took my chin in his index and thumb gently. His lips met mine slowly and lovingly, just the type of kiss I needed to relax me again. I leaned forward for more as our lips stilled and he pulled away.
"Alex." I whispered, my tone was needy and I didn't plan for it to be, but he does that to me.
"Ah Ah," he placed his thumb pad over my lips,"let me work this knot out first." He patted the center of my side of the bed and I scooted forward, the blankets bundled up in front of my legs. I felt the bed dip behind me, he had one leg extended and the other off the bed. He grabbed my hips and pulled me closer, so I was right in his crotch, then he whispered in my ear,"wearing my favorite.." it took me a second to register what it was, and then k panties. Cause I'm only in his shirt and my light green Lace panties.
"That why I put them on." I whispered back as I leaned back and pressed a kiss to his jaw, seeing that light blush creep onto his cheeks,"you're adorable."
"Alright." He smiled, he was a bit flustered, like usual,"where's this knot?" His fingers starting grazing over my skin along my right shoulder.

I leaned off of him and reached and pointed out the area, leaning my head to my left shoulder. he immediately started working lightly, figuring out where it actually was...and then working it with his thumb harshly, which was exactly what it needed.
"That's Fuckin perfect." I moaned out the words and heard him chuckle and press a kiss below my ear as his free hand rested on my thigh.
"How long have you had this thing? Must hurt like a bitch." He winced as he starting working it harder. I like deep tissue massages, and he likes to give them('s because of the moaning.)
"I got back from the mine at...six, three?" I breathed between my words, my eyes falling closed, and his free hand pressed flatly against my ribs keeping my back straight for him.
"You shouldn't of kept working, you probably made it worse then it would've been babe." I groaned and ket out a sharp exhale from my nose,"I'm serious, you gotta be careful."
"And I'll eat my vegetables dad." I chuckled and shook my head slightly.
"Especially breakfast." He said in a stern tone before chuckling,"besides that, find anything cool?"
"Iridium." I swooned before moaning again at him massaging the knot in it tightest area. I reached with my left hand and grabbed his denim covered thigh right above knee,"right there Alex, right-mmm- there."
He didn't respond just continued working it deeply as moans, I truly could not control, slipped from my lips. His hand ran down my shirt and sat on the inside of my thigh.

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