Dr.house- a proper fuck(smut)

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I apologize for how long it took me to write this.( Get use to it.) I hope you enjoy!

Your pov-

It's been a month since Greg's been shot, he hasn't gone to work. I've taken over for him, but sometimes Cuddy or Wilson will use the team for extra help. Greg's new favorite thing since he realized he could run again...was running. I'm not arguing, he's got some nice legs. But, he like to go for runs at night. Just getting up, throwing on his running shorts and shoes, grabbing his iPod and earbuds and just leaving.
Like tonight, I was finishing up a patient report on the couch, resting against him as he watched Tv, his legs kicked up on the coffee table. Then all of a sudden, he pushed me off of him simultaneously kicking his legs off the table. I just watched him leave. I'm not gonna stop him from running. He's finally got free mobility, let him enjoy it for as long as it lasts.
"I'll be back." He pointed at me as he opened the door and quickly walked through it, closing it behind him. I rolled my eyes and laid down on the couch,the arm of it below my shoulder blades, I put my knees up resting the file against it as I continued writing.

He didn't get back till eleven thirty and He left at ten. He didn't come to the bedroom first, he went straight to the bathroom and showered, It's very appreciated. I was laying in bed, my knees up as my book was against the front of my thighs, which was covered by the comforter. I flipped the page of my book, the Tv was also on, anything to keep me awake at this point. If I fell asleep, I'd soon be woken up anyways to move my position because he demands to have a hot women laying against his chest at night. But I also demand to have an arm draped over my back and hand sat on my ribs to sleep anyways.
Two people desperate for human touch, it's kind of perfect. Though some interactions in the workplace can inappropriate, like a grab to my ass as he walks past me, even if I'm actively with a patient. He's the gropey one, I just like to be near him when I can.

I started reading the next page as the bedroom door pushed open, the only light being the lamp on my nightstand. His hair was damp and fluffy from being towel dried,said towel wrapped around his waist. Yum.
He walked past the bed to the dresser throwing me a glance, I was still trying to read this book.
"How was your run?" I asked as the top dresser drawer opened.
"It's was good." He looked back at me as he threw his boxers to the bed. Closing the drawer and going to his pants drawer,"where'd you get that book?"
"Cameron, she finished it. Gave her one of mine and she gave me one of hers." I explained , turning the page. He hummed, I was waiting for some snarky remark, but it didn't come. He just tossed the towel to end of the bed and put his boxers and pants on. I didn't watch him, this part of the book was good. Pretty blasphemous, but who doesn't wanna get fucked by a hot priest?

He stepped out of the room to put the towel back in the bathroom, walking back in quickly after.
"What's it about?" He asked as he walked to his side of the bed. I slid the tip of my finger under the page as he pulled up the comforter snd sheets, proceeding to get under them.
"I don't think you wanna know." I glanced at him as he rested on his side, his right forearm was sunken into his pillows. He leaned in as I looked back to the page and I saw his eyebrow raise from my peripheral view.
"By the words wet, priest, and cock...It's religious erotica." A light chuckle tinged the word erotica. I shrugged before grabbing the bookmark from the night stand, my right leg straightening out. I slipped the decorated piece of paper into the bind and closed it, placing it next to the lamp.

I looked back at him, his left hand now snaked under the cover, placed on my thigh.
"run didn't tire you out?" I asked, my left leg falling a bit more open subconsciously.
"Not even close." I leaned closer to him to catch his lips on mine and he sat up a bit taller. His left hand moving to my right hip pulling me closer to him. My left hand came to hold the back of his head as his lips moved heatedly with mine.
The smell of his body wash filled my senses. my finger carding smoothly through his dry,yet damp, hair. Moments like these remind me on how stupidly obsessed I can be about him. My right leg straighten out as I pushed up closer to him, propping up on my left arm. My hips twisted, my right leg sweeping over his. I slowly started coming up to my knees, pushing him into the head board and his pillows. His hands sat on my hips, my hand was still on the back of his head, though my right was on his bare shoulder.
Now would be a good time to mention what I'm wearing. Dark red panties, bikini style. And his black Mötley Crüe T-shirt. A rather usual sleeping outfit of mine, his shirts were just comfier, plus I do the laundry.

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