Dr. James wilson- Pretty in Pink(smut)

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Wilson's pov-

I closed and locked the front door of the apartment. The smell of garlic and tomato was in the air, telling me that (y/n) cooked. I did come home a bit late, only an hour.  House took my keys, wouldn't give them to me unless I looked at his patient, and then still wouldn't give them back to me. I stole them back and now I'm home, thank god, though I'm expecting him to show up at my door. 
I took off my suit jacket and threw it over the couch, looking into the kitchen as I did so, (y/n) wasn't there, but food was. Then the door to the bedroom opened, the door creaks a bit so it's easy to tell which room.
"Honey?" I asked out loud hearing her steps getting closer.
"You're late." (y/n) said as she enetwred the living room, she had her long black robe on...it use to be mine.  A smile crept to my lips as she walked over.
"I am so sorry, House was pinned on this diagnosis and wouldn't let me leave till I consulted the patient and did-" she cut me off, her hands coming up, holding lightly to both sides of my jaw, her lips pressed against mine. A kiss to shut me up.
"It's fine." She whispered against my lips, my hands finding their place on the curve of her waist, unconsciously pulling her closer to me. The underneath of the robe on her hips felt a little bulky, I brushed it off as her lips touched mine again. Her soft lips moving with mine, her fingertips grazing down to jaw to clasp together behind my neck. My hands moving from her waist to hold against her lower back , pulling her body against mine even closer. As I felt my pulse speed up a few beats, her fingers carded through the back of my hair, taking hold of the longer hair against my crown, pulling my lips away from hers.
"Wanna eat?" She asked, pulling away from home, her hands on my shoulders.
"What's on the stove or in front of me?" I asked, my lips curling into a slight smirk and she giggled lightly. my right hand snuck back to the front of the robe, grabbing one of the tied ends, only to be stopped by a hand now on my wrist,"come on."
"You should eat first."  She suggested once more,"you said you didn't get lunch."
"I can eat later." I pulled my hand back, pulling the end of the tie. The bow tied on the front of her stomach coming undone. I kept my eyes on her, her cheeks tinting pink, and that cute sheepish smile on her face forming. 
"James-" she held the robe by her chest, her right palm flat against the black fabric.
"What are you hiding?" My brow raised, smirk now turned grin plastered on my face. He gaze averted from me, now looking towards the wall. My left hand came up to grab her right wrist, pulling it away from her chest.
It fell open just the littlest bit. Showing mostly skin, put also pink fabric along her rib area and hips. Right as I was about to grab both sides of the open middle of the robe, she quickly turned around. Darting back to the bedroom.
"(y/n)!" I chuckled, quickly walking the path she took.

The door was shut, but not fully so I pushed it open. What I saw kneeling in the middle of the bed, will forever be carved into my brain. I will see it when my life flashes before my eyes. 
"My God." I said in complete awe. She was in Lingerie decorated in baby pink floral lace.
The bra that cradled her breasts was baby pink, with floral lace. The lace skirted out from the band of the bra, only hanging enough to cover the top of her ribs. A gold heart kept the bra together in the front, and two small pink bows were tied where the bra straps connected to the bra in front.
She sat up more, sitting up a bit taller, moving her hands behind her back, letting me see more of the bottom piece. The panties were secure by a band around her waist, another golden heart just under her belly button holding the band in front, It was decorated with the same Lacy fabric, which was skirted out to the sides of her hips. Two smaller bands connected to it, holding onto the bit lace that covered her pussy.
"Do you like it?" She asked, breaking the silence in the room.
"Do i- psssh." My hands sat on my hips as I looked at her, I was speechless she looked so damn good,"come closer."

She crawled to the end of the bed as I walked over. she sat back on her calves, her thighs flushing out more and I couldn't wait for my head to be between them.  My right hand cradled her jaw as my eyes looked her up and down. Taking in the design more clearly on the lingerie. I peaked behind her, seeing the back of the bra and panties were secured by a bow tied with a ribbon the same shade of pink.
"How long did it take you to tie those bows?" I asked, coming back to look at her gorgeous face.
"Not even two minutes. It's easy." She giggled and I shook my head.
"That's a women's skill." My thumb brushed over her pink tinted cheek and she sat up fully. her hands grazing up my sides, to her hand gliding flat along my chest to wrap her arms around my neck,"you always look so pretty in pink."
"Its my best bedroom color." She giggled, I felt her playing with the collar of my shirt.
"That and blue, red- you could definitely rock a neon green set-" she cut me off with her lips, and I let my hand fall from her jaw. she wasted no time to get hot with it. My left hand sat on the curve of her back, my right hand buried into the back of her hair holding against her scalp.
She ran her hands down my chest, I felt her tug at my tie. She loosened it before she focused on the buttons of my shirt, her lips still moving quickly and perfectly with mine.
She tugged my shirt out of my pants. Her lips pulling away to bring the tie over my head, tossing it away. I unbuttoned the wrist of my sleeves as she kissed at my jaw. Her hands pressed against my chest before sliding the shirt down my arms, the white fabric dropping to the floor. her lips moved down to my neck.

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