Fezco- Grandma was a G

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Fezcos pov-
Age 10-

I closed the door to the back seats and walked Around to follow grandma inside, ash in my arms. I looked up the street as I crossed seeing the girl on the bike. I never actually talked to her except for the few times at school where she'd say hi or ask me how ash was.
I stood behind grandma as she unlocked the gate and the girl in the bike, who's name was (y/n) stopped short of the house and jumped off.
"Hey Fez." She smiled.
"Hi (y/n)."
"So this is (y/n)." Grandma said,"how you doin sweetie? Aren't you adorable."
"I'm good Ms. O'Neil." She smiled and looked back at me, I felt ash poke my side of my head,"wanna go to the park?" I looked up at grandma.
"Give me him, you go, great work today." She grabbed ash from my arms,"street lights means home."
"Okay." I said as the gate closed and I heard her heels tapping away.
"Come on, stand on the back."
"That's not safe."
"Stand on the back Fezco."

Age 13-
(I know Marie went into a coma when he was like 10 but this is for the sake of this conversation)

"You ever gonna have that girl you always talk to over?" Grandma asked from the table.
"Ion know." I shrugged my shoulders as I looked at the tv.
"Why not? You scared of her?" She teased.
"Then why do you never invite her over, I'm fine with it sweetheart."
"I mean...ya know with everything we have in the house and what not..."
" like I care, Invite her over, she can have dinner with us."
"Didn't you tell me never to fall in love?" I looked over my shoulder at her, her cigarette smoking in his hand.
"Mhm." She hummed and looked at me,"and don't."

And so (y/n) came over for dinner and slept over. (y/n) and grandma talked during the dinner, seems like grandma actually likes her, the conversation had no awkward bumps in it, it was nice, this is nice.
Later that night (y/n) was on the couch, Ash was Asleep, and I was in the door way of the bathroom as grandma put her hair rollers in.
"She's a sweet girl, reminds me of your mother, sweet and delicate. I bet she's got some serious fire in her though, you see those scars on her fuckin knuckle? Never fuck with a girl who has scars on her knuckles." She looked at me through the mirror I nodded,"you like her?"
"I don't know.." I shrugged my shoulders.
"Can you see a future with her Fez? Treating her right, her doing the same for you?" I thought about it for a minute before nodding,"you really can?" She looked back me,"you see her sittin on the fuckin couch as you bag product, maybe her rolling blunt for you or cutting like and packing dimes? Raising a family with her maybe?"
"I mean...I guess?" She leaned on the counter her arms crossed.
"She worth getting your heart broken?" I nodded,"really?"
"Yes." I said and she turned back to the mirror grabbing a pink roller,"she is Grandma."
"Then you don't lose her, treat her Fuckin right, treat her with fuckin respect cause an angry disrespected women is fuckin dangerous."
"I'm aware."
"Good, now go downstairs and enjoy her presence like she's fuckin God." I went to walk away,"and fez." I looked back at her,"later in life if you get her pregnant, don't you dare leave. Don't be like your daddy and every other guy out there, don't loose that sweetness baby."

Present time-

I blinked and stretched my arms getting myself out of my head, recounting over moments with my grandma and her life lessons. I looked over at the couch where (y/n) was sat a few minutes ago, she went to the bathroom, ash was on the other couch.
"How much do you remember grandma?" I asked.
"I remember her lecturin you bout (y/n) every 10 minutes at the table n everythin she taught me, N' when she passed out." He answered plainly,"why?"
"Just' wonderin." I heard my phone chime, I picked it up, was a text from (y/n) that just said bathroom. Now.

I got up from my chair not saying anything and I walked towards the bathroom. When I got there I knocked on the door and opened it, she was sitting on the green rug looking at a white and blue stick.
"Is that-"
"Ya." She cut me off, I sat down with her, she kept staring at it.
"Positive." She said and showed me it, it was.
"Ya." She leaned against the bathtub. We sat in silence for what felt like an hour but was just a few minutes in reality. I looked her, and smiled.
"Holy shit." I chuckled,"holy fuck. Can we fit 5 people in this house? There's the spare office in the basement, ash can move into there I know he been talkin about it. "
"Fez." She said and looked at Me,"we are 19, drug dealers. Is this really safe?"
"Ash is still alive, I'm still alive, you still alive, Ma."
"We're talking a baby Fez."
"Exactly Ash is still alive." I took her hands into mine,"We ain't gon let anything happen okay? Nothin gon happen. And if I cross you on that, kill me cause it either gon be you or grandma." The face she had painted in her face toned with joy and worry.
"Trust me Baby, I ain't leaving you, I don plan on it and I don wanna."
"I'm not worried about that, I'm just...scared."
"What ate you two talking about?" We heard ash say from the hallways I looked back and there he was in the door way, he looked down I guess he saw the test,"condoms are a thing you know."
"You sa' little shit." I said and (y/n) laughed.
"Welcome to the all new season of teen mom, every Thursday at 8 o'clock central on tlc." He said walking away.
"You wan know what my grandma told me in this bathroom the first night you came over?"
"Don't loose her, treat her right. She told me to enjoy your presence like you were God and if he bee got you pregnant later in life...don't leave, never leave, don't be my dad." I smiled at her,"if she could hear Any of this, do you know how happy she'd be? She adored you (y/n), she always told me never fall in love but when it came to you it was treat her right, so you know imma do that." I saw tears prickle in (y/n)s eyes, she stood up and then I did right after her and immediately hugged her taking her off her feet.
"Fez!" She giggled wrapping her legs around my waist.
"I fuckin love you." I kissed her,"so Fuckin much."
"I know." She pecked my lips,"I love you to fezzy."
"Don't cry, nah mamas cmon." I kissed her cheek as a tear fell,"cmon."
"I'm sorry." She laughed,"they're happy tears Fez."
"Imma start cryin you keep cryin."
"Then I guess we're both cryin."

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