Will halstead- not your fault

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Not edited
Chicago Med, warning- stillbirth, angst

Your pov-

"Mom I'm fine." I reassured my mom as I held onto my stomach,"I'm- fuck-I'm fine."
"The baby might be coming (y/n)." She said holding onto my hand and I squeezed it as a sharp pain went through my stomach, I was 7 months pregnant, my pregnancy was going great, and I knew for fact these weren't contractions, they felt like really bad period cramps,"we really should get you to the hospital."
"No no no, I'm okay." I took a deep breath and let it out slowly,"my water hasn't broke."
"Are you, a doctor, refusing to go the hospital?" She asked me in Disbelief and I nodded,"why?"
"I don't-I don't know, I-I just, look I'm okay." I breathed deeply and let out it out slowly,"I'm okay."
"You're going to the hospital, right now." She let go of me and stood up from the couch,"come on, this has been going on for an hour and it keeps getting worse, let's just go."
"How would will feel?" She asked me crossing her arms,"dr.halstead, we're going to the hospital, I'm calling an ambulance."
"Oh god!" I winced,"okay! Okay!"
My mom was staying with me for the day, she had nothing else better to do and I didn't either. Everything was fine until an hour ago, waves of pain, but not contractions, no water breakage, im scared right now.

Wills pov-

"Nurse Sexton is just gonna give him some Iv fluids and keep his temperature down." I said to Mrs.Caston and looked at Mr.caston in the bed,"it's gonna keep getting hotter, you gotta make sure you stay hydrated while you're outside."
"Note taken." The older man chuckled and I walked out, Nurse sexton was giving him the fluids. I walked over to the counter as Maggie was looking at the brick in her hands.
"Heat stroke." I sighed.
"Third one today." Maggie shook her head.
"If it's 100 degrees out...maybe don't go and mow your lawn?" I shrugged my shoulders and she laughed.
"Hey atleast its just heat stroke and no crazy lawn mower accidents, she looked down at the brick,"ambo is arriving!"
"On it!" Choi yelled as he jogged past me
"(y/n) Halstead, age 33, 7 months pregnant." Carly one of the first responders said,"started cramping sn hour ago, pain got worse."
"(y/n)?!" I ram over.
"Treatment 3!" Maggie yelled.
"What's going on?" I asked as we wheeled her into the room, her face was twisted up in pain, and she was breathing deeply.
"She started cramping an hour ago." He mom said,"water hasn't broke but we have no clue."
"Alright," I nodded,"lets change her over on my count 1,2,3!"
"Oh god." (y/n) muttered As she was placed onto the bed.
"Let's order and ultra sound ASAP!" Choi said.
"I'm not-I'm not due for another 3 weeks." (y/n) grabbed my hand.
"Might have different plans." I said,"could just be Braxton Hicks contractions. But we're gonna make sure, these seem to painful to be it."
"Braxton hicks contractions?" Marie, (y/n) mom asked and I nodded.
"Let's get-"Ethan went to say and (y/n) cut him off quick
"No medication."(y/n) said,"no."
"It's fine." I said as the OB rushed in with the ultrasound machine," April!"
"Yeah?" She asked walking into the room,"can you page Dr.Asher? Get her down her quick."
"On it." She said and walked away, I grabbed the BP finger cuff and put it onto her finger.
"I feel like I'm gonna pass the fuck out." (y/n) Warned, I looked at the monitor and her heart rate was 150,"Jesus fuck will."
"Hearts rates at 150." I pointed out,"let's get an IV of amiodarone, 10 Mgs."
"Got it."
"Marie," I heard Maggie,"do you wanna come sit in the waiting room?"
"Sure." She said, he gave (y/n) a kiss on her forehead and walked out with her. I pulled (y/n)s shirt up a bit for the OB.
"I'm gonna get you prepped for the IV okay?" Ethan and she nodded.
"This is going to feel a bit cold." She said, I looked at the screen.
"Yeah I Fuckin know." She groaned, and I looked down at her and Ethan chuckled,"that's just the pain, I'm sorry."
"Damn (y/n)." Ethan shook his head,"Starting the drip, I'll be back soon, keep me posted." I nodded as he walked out.
"Is it-okay?" (y/n) took a deep breath, the OB didn't say anything. Being doctors, We knew what we were looking at. She moved the transducer around a bit more, so the far left of her stomach, and then Dr.Asher walked in.
"Good morning." She said walking in and then immediately looked at the ultrasound, she rooo over to the on hand OB
"Right here." She pointed at the ultra sound,"that is you umbilical cord. Usally you can't see it bevause the baby is covering it, but you baby isn't." She looked at us before zooming inkt the ultrasound a bit and pointed a darker section on the umbilical cord,"that is a knot. Happens more towards labor, can happen when the baby is moving. Your baby was turning and ready for labor, but it caused it to knot."
"So he suffocated." I said and she nodded.
"And your uterus is responding." She took the wand off and I grabbed a tissue and wipped off the gel.
"So he's dea-oh god!" She groaned in pain.
"You need to get a C-section immediately." She said.
"Alright." I nodded I let go of (y/n) and walked past her,"Maggie page The BB we're coming up!"
"Got it!" She responded and April rushed over. The OB and Asher helped us bring (y/n) out of the room.
I was trying to stay composed as we stood in the empty elevator, the only sound behind (y/n) groaning in pain. April looked at me gave me a smile. She knew what it was like and I was glad she was one of the nurses.

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