James Wilson-make her mine(smut)

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Wilson's pov-

There's a new doctor in the hospital, (y/n) (l/n), neurology and general surgery. she's been here a few months. I see her quite a bit around the hospital, never going to the same place though. I'm coming, she's going. Though we've spoken, I've bought her lunch a few times  before  but couldn't stay afterwards or she was still working during her lunch. we've had chats on the elevator, or at the coffee machine a few times. But still no longer then five minutes. Yet, I can't seem to get out of my damn head. She's plagued me. I can't even ignore her, I see her I have to say something. Playing this...slow game is getting too annoying. I gotta make her mine.

"You're dummer then you look if you think she wants you." House said, not looking away from the sudoku on his computer. I was sat in the chair in front of his glass desk, it was lunch, we already ate.
"Why wouldn't she want me? I'm nothing like you." I remarked and he glanced at me before turning his chair to face me fully,"here we go."
"Is she broken?" He asked and I shrugged my shoulders,"how much have you talked to her?"
"We've talked in passing, a couple elevator rides. I've even bought be her lunch before." I  pointed at him and he rolled his eyes and turned back to his computer.
"You've boughten me lunch before, does that mean you wanna fuck me too?" He gave me a fake concerned look at I scoffed at him.
"I think if I wanted to I would've already." I joked, a chuckle tinting my voice,"but seriously, why wouldn't  she like me?"
"If she's broken- like I'm sure she is, then she's gonna get bored of you like all the others after you start mending her back to health." He closed the tab on his computer, finishing the sheet, and turning back to me.
"What if she's not broken?" I pressed,"what if she's perfect?"
"Everyone's broken. You have brother trauma and you blame yourself for it all, and let's not forget the depression. Which will spike when you start to feel her becoming detached from you." He crossed his arms and glanced over at the conference room before groaning. I looked over and saw that chase and foreman were in there.
"Ya know what-" He cut me off.
"I've seen her at the pharmacy getting a prescription filled two times a month since she's been here. She broken trust me."
"this is a perfect time to end this conversation." I stood up from the chair and looked at my watch,"she's working the clinic right now."
"So now it's time to go creep around?"
"More like get my hours for the day in, be there to offer assistance if needed."  He looked at me plainly before holding his face in his palm shaking his head.
"You are desperate." He finally looked back up at me.
"And now I'm leaving."

Your pov-

I signed Into the clinic and grabbed a folder from the stack on the desk  and took a look inside.  Kid has a fever, a rash on his chest. Easy enough.
"Hey (l/n)." I heard behind me to I looked over my shoulder and saw Dr.Wilson signing in.
"Hey Wilson." I smiled, holding the folder in one hand against my side,"how's that patient by the way?" The last time we were in an elevator together he told me about a patient of his, It sounded interesting so I wanted to catch up.
"I think we caught it just in time." He grabbed a folder from the Stack,"what did you get?"
"Kid has a fever and a rash, room three. You?"
"Four day headache." He answered,"room five."
"Then I guess I'll see you in a bit." I started walking away and he smiled and nodded.
He was charming. His presence was charming. It was a bit sad that I didn't see him all the time, I specialized in general surgery and neurology. You'd think we'd see each other more, neurology and oncology work close together in most cases, but that hasn't happened yet.

I opened the door to exam room three, and closed it behind me. A brunette mother was standing next to the bed, her seven year old son playing with a Gameboy.
"Hello I'm Dr.(l/n)." I greeted them as I opened the folder again, holding it in my left arm.
"Mary." She introduced her self.
"so..Conner here has a rash and a fever?"
"A hundred point two this morning, and it's On his chest." She looked down to him, and gently took the gameboy away from him and out in her purse which was over her shoulder,"he's had the rash for two days, the fever came this morning."
"Any history I should know about? Recent trav-"
"No nothing like that. He just got this rash the other day, sore throat." I nodded walking past her. I put the folder down on the counter and grabbed a pair of gloves, starting with my right hand.
"I see you like Mario?" I looked at Conner and he nodded with a smile. I put on the left,"so how are you feeling?"
"My throat hurts." His voice was a little scratchy. I grabbed a popsicle stick from the drawer, taking off the paper wrap and putting it in the counter.
"I'm gonna check your throat alright? Open wide and stick your tongue out." I grabbed a mini flashlight from my pocket, placing the popsicle stick down on his tongue and shining the light,"have you looked at his throat?"
"It was red the other day." Mom said waling around to look. His tonsils had some white around and in them,"oh god."
"Mm." I hummed, taking the stick away and placing it on the paper wrap, putting the light back in my pocket,"can you lift your shirt for me so I can see this rash?"

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