Fezco- worried fuckin sick

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Content warning- drug use and near overdose, loml Faye
Published- 1-23-22
This was gonna be a serious type angst but then Faye for involved and idk what happened

Rues narration-

Okay, so maybe things weren't as good as I thought they were. Ya know when I was getting fucked up like really fucked Up I thought I could never be hurt by these amazing chemicals. Why would I get hurt by something that's makes me feel good? Well my overdose showed that, rehab taught me that, but that doesn't matter.
(y/n) came over to my place after work to hang, all she wanted to do was smoke and she told my mom that, now my mom was only against ME doing drugs, so she said yes, just keep the window open and use an ashtray, obviously she did she has manners.
But as the night grew in and the more bored I grew, I pulled out my stuff. Some left over coke from a party and some pills, I forgot and still don't know what they are.

Your pov-

"Aren't you supposed to be staying clean?" I asked as rue snorted the thin line of white powder.
"Aren't you supposed to be at work?" She asked putting her head back and sniffling, she handed me the rolled bill.
"Can't compare the two." I laughed and leaning down, placing my bill in my nose and inhaling deep as the power got sucked through the paper and into my nose. I put the bill down and threw my head back and sniffled,"ash sells the best coke."
"I didn't get this from ash I for it from this guy as I was walking through the house at that party last week.
"Probably got it from Ash then." I shrugged falling down onto my back,"they run the deals at party's."
"You're right." I felt the bed bounce as she fell onto her back, I heard her play with something plastic, I heard the click of a seal and then plastic hit my chest,"even with NA and fez not sellin to you, you still finding pills."
"It's pretty easy." She laughed.
"What are they?" I held the bag up over my face trying to see what type of pills they were, I haven't seen fez or ash sort any like these, they looked like oxy, round and white but had some red in them.
"Just take them, they make you feel great." She said.

Rues pov-

10 minutes have passed since we took the pills, I had no clue what they were but they made me feel good, maybe they were fet? Had a familiar feeling but could've been something like oxy, I didn't really care, I got them for free that's all tht maters.
"How you feeling?" I looked over at (y/n) who was laying next to me on her phone.
"Interesting." She muttered as she texted someone and then went on insta.
"Who ya textin?" I asked.
"Who do you think?" She smiled looking at me.
"Fez." She nodded,"ew."
"Fuck you." She laughed and sat up,"going to the bathroom."
"Aaallright." She stood up with a wobble and tossed her phone onto the bed and walked out. Her phone Vibrated right as she left, her screen turning on. I saw a picture of her fez and a text notification. I picked out her phone and laid on my side and pressed on the texts expanding it.

The plug*
just txt me

The plug*
I can pick u up whenever, Idc abt leaving the shop

The plug*
Yo u know u can tell me to come get u whnvr , just stay safe bby <3

What? "Just stay safe" did she not feel safe she seemed like she was chill. I put her phone down and rolled onto my back when I heard a thud from the bathroom. I basically flew out of bed even though my body felt a thousand pounds.
When I got out of the bedroom I walked as calm as possible and acted as sober as possible.
"(y/n) ?" I knocked on the door lightly. My turned out of the kitchen and stood at the beginning of the hall.
"She okay?" She asked.
"I think so, she said she was just gonna use the bathroom but earlier she said she's been having some dizzy spells." Dizzy spells?! That's doesn't help. My mom didn't seem to notice how high I was I must've been keeping the act up  pretty good.
"Okay... Um she needs anything just ask, okay?" I nodded and she walked back into the kitchen. I turned the door knob and pushed the door open, i opened it and found her passed out leaning against the wall but also laying. I close the door quickly, she must've been standing and leaned on the wall and slid down it when she passed out. I got onto my knees and moved her so she head sitting against the wall a bit straighter and facing me.
"(y/n)?" I shook her face, holding her up by her shoulder,"(y/n)? Waakey wakey." She didn't respond. I moved her so she was leaning in the corner or the wall and bathtub. I stood up and closed the door behind me and quickly went to my room and grabbed her phone and went back into the bathroom.
"Okay, okay." I opened her phone and held down onto one of fezs texts and started typing.

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