Seven | girl in new york

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My head hurts a lot

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My head hurts a lot. It feels like I got hit by a bus. I woke up this morning still in my black dress with my shoes on. I am not even in my own room.

It didn't take me long to recognize I am in Ethan's bed with the broken drawer which I always see when I wake up here.

I hear the shower running and I assume he is in there. As I pull my head off the pillow it hurts. How much did I have to drink?

I untie my shoelaces and pull off my shoes. Standing up from the bed I feel extremely light headed. I fall back down onto the bed. Okay let's just calm down for a second. No moving for just a second.

Where is my phone? I don't even remember having it at the party.

Suddenly I hear a light buzz coming from Ethan's bedside table. I crawl over to the other side of the bed, picking up what I think is my phone. The screen lights up with multiple text messages from "kat." Who the fuck is kat?

Kat: Did you tell her? [03:08]

Kat: Ethan, I don't like being a secret anymore. [03:15]

Kat: Why didn't you leave her? [03:45]

Kat: You need to tell her before you know who does! [03:57]

You-know-who? Who is who?

I hear the shower stop and I quickly put the phone back and get out of his room as soon as possible. I shut the door behind me so slowly I don't even think an ant can hear me.

I walk over to the kitchen counter where Luke stands drinking his morning cup of coffee which I see him do almost every morning. In the same place, same position with the same mug. "Good morning." I say ever so tired. My voice is dry and raspy.

"Morning." I sit on one of the stools by the counter. This is officially one of the worst hangovers I have had since turning twenty-one. "Here take this." He hands me two pills with a glass of water. "What is it?" Apparently now I just take two pills from my boyfriend's roommate. "Aspirin. For the hangover." He says. If he drugs me, then that's a shame.

I swallow the pills with water and no instant effect which sucks. "How are you not hungover?" I ask him - rubbing my head because I assume it will sort of help with the migraine. "Oh I totally am." He takes another sip of his morning coffee. "So is he." He points his mug towards Dog.

My head turns to see him laying on his back with his tongue sticking out. "No, he just wants belly rubs." I drop down to the floor and start petting him.

He seems upset. Like my presence is just ten times more annoying today. He is usually really grumpy or joyful when we speak, but today he seems emotionless. Who broke his heart?

His hair is actually-sort of-kinda not neat. I prefer it messy anyways.

He has a smirk on his face. His clothes are the usual black hoodie and jeans. He doesn't ever wear anything different. Does he even have clothes?

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