Forty - four | dear god

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"Indra, run this down to Tom," my boss, Ella Bullock calls from her office

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"Indra, run this down to Tom," my boss, Ella Bullock calls from her office. I look through the glass window, seeing her hand waving the stack of papers in the air. I scurry out of the seat of my assistant's desk.

She hands me the papers, turning back and heading to Tom. "Get me a cup of coffee, too!" I nod, resisting the urge to roll my eyes as I leave. I head to Tom first, knocking lightly on his door. Tom is a very nice guy, he is very laid back when it comes to his job as an attorney. "What's up, Indra?" He asks, giving me his undivided attention.

"Ella asked me to run this too you," I say, entering his office. "I believe it's the final divorce papers for Roxy and Josh Wood's."

I walk up and hand it to him while he jumps with joy. "Finally! These two have been in and out of court for years." He shakes his head and I smile at the fact that he's making conversation with me. "Just want them out of my sight." He laughs as I turn around and I'm out of there.

I'm at the coffee machine, making Ella's stupid coffee. I've been working at this law firm for a few months now for 2 reasons.

A - I need the extra money
B - I need experience.

It's not a hard job, but having Ella as my boss just makes me wish I never picked law as my degree. However, I'm quitting once I write my BAR exam and my shift ends in a bit. "Ella again?" I look up from the mug to see Ella's other assistant, Nala. Nala is the only person I get along with in this office who is also in my major.

"Sure is." I roll my eyes. "She is so rude. She called my heels ugly!" Nala exclaims. I glance down at her black Mary Jane heels, scoffing. Those are the cutest heels I've seen. "Hun er en tæve." (She's a bitch.)

"I don't know what you said, but I agree." She laughs, shaking her head. I continue to stir the coffee when I decide to pull my phone out of my pocket to text Luke.

[19:25] I'm leaving in a bit, can't wait to see you <3

I quickly notice that he hasn't read my text immediately like he usually does. He's probably asleep or busy working. "You should spit in it." I hear Nala say with a snicker.

"I already did." I smile at her. "I'm going to head out before Ella screams at me." I quickly say. We exchange our goodbyes, and I go to take the coffee to Ella with a fake smile on my face. She takes it without a thank you so I say, "I'm heading out."

She nods. "Be here extra early tomorrow." She instructs as if I'm not early every day immediately after classes. I change into my work clothes in the college bathrooms before I hop onto the subway here. "No problem." I continue to give her my award-winning fake smile.

It takes me less than two minutes to gather my stuff and get the hell out of that office. I let out a sigh of relief when I get outside, and my ears are immediately filled with the sound of Manhattan traffic.

It's sort of calming.

And I need something calming. I'm exhausted and overwhelmed. College has taken its toll on my mental health. I just can't wait to start writing finals next week and graduate.

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