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We all died last night

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We all died last night. Died sounds dramatic. We all passed out- nope that's not it. We all fell asleep last night.

It wasn't meant to be a sleepover, but Atlas fell asleep on the floor. Norah couldn't keep her eyes open and neither could I. You can't blame us since it was a Saturday night and we were all busy during the week.

On the other hand, Dylan and Luke seemed just fine if I'm being honest.

They sat through the entire movie from what I heard. I watched that movie everyday since it came out. It sort of became my comfort movie after Brave of course.

Last night when I had to sit next to him I did feel slightly uncomfortable in the beginning. It's not necessarily that I am uncomfortable around Luke, it's just at that moment I felt...weirded out. I did however get used to it, I fell asleep on him.

I know this because when I woke up my head was resting on his lap and his head was thrown back, also asleep. It didn't take him long to wake up though.

We all left their apartment at different times. Dylan and Norah left first since they have to get to the airport as they both need to get back to college this week. I left not long after that.

I am now standing in front of my dorm. The door is shut and I am hesitant to walk in. It might have been weeks since the incident with Ethan and Catherine, but I still do this. I take my time to open the door. To deal with her.

I finally get the courage to open the door. When I walk in I immediately see her. She's sitting on her bed with her phone in her hand. She is wearing a red top and black jeans. I swear half of her closet consists of red clothing.

"Hey." She says as if we are friends. I choose to ignore her. I walk over to my closet grabbing a few clothes to go shower, since I have been in the same clothes from last night.

"Indra you cannot ignore me forever. You cannot think of me as the villain. We broke up. He isn't apart of my life anymore." Just ignore her. Ignore her. "Did you not hear me? We broke up." Just keep on ignoring her and all your problems will go away, simple.

I walk away from her and into the bathroom, locking the door. I leave my phone by the bathroom counter because if I haven't mentioned, Miss Catherine over there is very nosey. She goes through everything I own. One time I caught her reading my texts with my mom. Till this day I have no idea how she got my phone password.

I take off my clothes and get into the shower. The hot water hitting my body. There isn't much you do in the shower. Well me.

I just stand in the water. Admire the water. Zone out. Do whatever I must do like washing my hair. Admire the water. Have a staring contest with the water. Think a lot. Like a lot. It's not as if I am overthinking, It's just stupid stuff.

Like orange is the only color you can taste!
They say roses are red and violets are blue, but violet means purple.
If people can be legally blind, are people with glasses illegally blind?
If fish die in water, does that mean their cause of death was drowning?

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