Fifty - two | Into It

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"Luke, guess what happened!" Indra shouts as she walks into the apartment, slamming the door behind her

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"Luke, guess what happened!" Indra shouts as she walks into the apartment, slamming the door behind her. Her dark grey suit jacket draped over her shoulders, her raven black hair tied back into a high ponytail, and her court papers in hand.

I grin at the sight of her, putting down my guitar. "Um, hello to you too." She drops the papers on the kitchen counter before she starts. "Andrew!"

"What happened?" I ask, my voice a lot more calm than hers.

"He wrote Celestia a letter too. No problem there but she sent me a photo of it." She says, her hands slightly shaking. "It's the exact same thing he said in my letter it's just that he changed the name!" My eyes go wide. "And that's not it." She walks over to me, sitting down on the couch as I listen. "He showed up to her dorm!" I gasp and she nods slowly. "And guess what she called him!" She says with excitement. It's really cute when she's excited.

"What did she say?" I ask, my smile growing wider. I've realized over the past few years that the more time I spend with Indra, the more intrigued I get when it comes to gossip. It's all we do.

"She called him her sperm donor!" She throws her head back with laughter. "Oh man and he said that I emotionally abused him." Another fit of laughter breaks from her. I let out a chuckle as I watch her.

"Like how-" she can't even finish her sentence because she starts laughing again. She almost falls off the couch as she holds onto her stomach. "Yeah so she told him to fuck off and she gave me a warning saying that he might show up."

My face drops and my eyes go wide. I've never met Indra's dad before and knowing that he might show up at the penthouse one day is a bit scary but at the same time, I'm more scared of her brother.

She finally stops laughing and relaxes on the couch. She sighs deeply, putting her head on my shoulder. I pick up my guitar, place it on my lap, and slowly pick at the strings. "Did you deep clean this place?" Indra asks, looking around our penthouse. I didn't go to the hotels today and Indra had court so with the extra time I cleaned.

Cleaning is actually really peaceful and I mean look at this place. I can probably eat off the floor. "I got bored while you were gone. Also, can we get food, I'm starving." I respond.

"Same, what are you craving?" She asks, letting a yawn escape from her lips and it makes me smile. "Sushi" She pulls out her phone to order the sushi but before she can do so I quickly stand up. I just remembered something.

"Indra, I know your birthday is in two months but can I please for the love of god give you one of your gifts?" Her eyes go wide before she slowly nods.

I quickly run over to my part of our closet. I scramble through it and pull out a navy blue gift bag before making my way back to her. "Happy really early birthday," I say, handing it to her. She looks inside the bag with a scoff. "Aw, you didn't have to." She says and a tight-lipped smile comes onto my face.

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