Forty - nine | SKINNY

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Just a warning, this chapter has its emotions everywhere. Like it's bipolar or something,

It's finals season, which means it's everyone's least favorite month of the year

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It's finals season, which means it's everyone's least favorite month of the year. I wish I could say there are more plans other than that, but then I would be lying.

To say that Indra has been overbearing would be an understatement. I truly understand that she's worried about me hitting rock bottom once again - but this shit is taking it to a whole other level.

It started with her sitting with me to eat, which was fine. Then it led to her making me eat full meals which I hated, but hey it's a step towards recovery.

But the frequent phone calls and constant checkups turned into her never leaving me "unsupervised" and then her wanting to change my baggy clothes too much more exposing clothes.

I've tried to not get frustrated, but she's not meeting me halfway. It's like she's always telling me what to do. Don't get me wrong, I love Indra. I love her so much that it's hard to breathe and yes I am a clingy person, but this has gotten out of hand. Which is the reason for the fight we're in the middle of having right now. "I don't understand what's the big deal," she crosses her arms over her chest.

"What's the big deal?" I scoff, the only thing between us is the kitchen island. "Because it's a fucking fear food! You can't keep on forcing me to eat."

"Forcing? You're saying I'm forcing you?" She asks as if she is shocked at what I just said. "I'm just trying to help you."

"No, you're not!" I shout which is completely unlike me. God, I'm just so angry.

"Oh, you have to be kidding me," she scoffs, rolling her eyes and walking to the living room. This is absurd.

The back of my neck feels hot, I just cannot believe she's doing this. "Do you have any idea how stupid you sound?" She's not serious. Oh, she's serious.

"Stupid? I sound stupid?" I spit, walking closer to her. I'm towering over her as she looks up at me with nothing but anger. "Do you have any fucking idea how hard this is on me? I do not sound stupid, if anything I sound reasonable." She shakes her head at me.

"You can't force me to recover!" I yell, pointing my finger at her. She swats my hand away as she screams back at me. "Get your finger out of my fucking face!" I roll my lips into my mouth as I take a deep breath and say to her in the calmest voice I can muster. "Just stop."

Her face calms down as she places her hand on my cheek. "I'm trying to help you, to support you."

She's not. She's not. She's sabotaging you.

I softly push her hand away and take a few steps away. I feel like I'm going to start crying. "You're not, Indra!" I shout, running a frustrated hand through my hair as my other one gestures toward her. "You're sabotaging me!"

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