II: Friend Request

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Search results for, Izuku Midoriya: 420 profiles.

"UGH, why the heck are there so many?!" Fuyumi groaned as she sat at her desk with her laptop currently skimming through HeroBook. From outside the window beside her she can see the children running around during recess time and a few teachers outside with them to make sure they didn't do anything too crazy. Thankfully today wasn't the Todoroki sister's turn to be out there which means she's able to survey through the internet and find him. "There's no way there's this many Izuku Midoriyas out there. This is so stupid, even more so when it didn't even pull up any results back when I searched for only his first name."

Is this something that's being taken out of hand? Depending who is being asked, most definitely.

Fuyumi's stubborn, much more stubborn than people would take her to be, but this was a different situation. To her this is a deadset determination that is focused on repaying the Midoriya person for allowing her to use his umbrella to which SHE WILL accomplish. The caring and kind side of her just wouldn't allow this gesture to skate by unpaid and as much as he says there shouldn't be any compensation, there will be. She didn't like the idea of somebody doing a favor for her only for that favor never be paid back. Then again, this wasn't even a favor more like an act of somebody who's kind enough to lend a stranger their umbrella. And they seemingly just gave it away too, how strange.

Secretly though there is another reason as to why she's so stubborn on getting her chance to speak to him again. And the reason is because they're communication skills with each other are very, VERY, very poor. It completely baffles her that she's somehow able to speak normally with children who constantly use words like poo-poo and pee-pee, school administrators who have the ability to fire her if they choose to do so, high schoolers who work part-time jobs at the supermarkets where she does her grocery shopping. Hell, even being able to somewhat hold a conversation with her father who majority of the time is only focused on Shoto in order to hone him up into the legacy that will topple All Might. But for some odd reason this random student comes along and all of her social skills just go down the drain.

Could it be that he's different from everybody else in some way unknown to her? Could it be...the work of an enemy stand-

'Nooooo.' Fuyumi thought with a smirk and a shake of her head. By this point she's been listening too much to the conversations of her students and starting to form silly ideas based off of the animes they've been talking about. It's entertaining to listen to sure but it might be a bit excessive if even she's starting to mix it with her own real life situations. But enough about that silly nonsense, she's got more important business to take care of. Like trying to repay a high school student for an umbrella even though he'll probably say it won't be necessary. Oh but it will. It WILL be necessary.

Right now her best bet is to just suck it up and scroll through the entire list that popped up on her results, because apparently there are 419 other children whose parents decided to name them Izuku Midoriya. How lovely. Sighing and reaching over for her cup of coffee Fuyumi raised the lid up to her lips while keeping an eye on the results as she scrolled downwards. Just like she expected, some of the profiles don't have profile pictures on them which means she'll now have to click on the blank pictures and read the profile to see if any of them are the one she's looking for. If the one she's looking for is in fact a blank picture then hopefully it will contain some type of bio that will reveal it to be the one. And if it doesn't she'll have to search even deeper to find him. One might even consider this to be stalking...

...she hopes it's not stalking.

Fuyumi clicked on one of the results in the list with a blank profile picture, only to be met with absolutely nothing on the profile at all. So that's definitely a no-go, onto the next one. About twenty or so results down the list she found another blank profile picture and clicked on it, this time having a biography to it.

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