IX: Stitches

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"-and then that's when I knew she was into me, right? I mean I knew this chick was always into me who wouldn't be right? I see no reason as to why they wouldn't be."

"Mm-hmm." Shoto hummed to Natsuo's statement before slurping up the rest of the noodle chain into his mouth. "So when do we get to the part where you wake up and realize that's never going to happen?"

"Screw you!"

"Daaaaaaad!" Fuyumi called from the dinner table where the three Todoroki siblings were gathered. "Dinner's ready! You sure you don't wanna come eat-"

"SILEEENCE! Do not disturb me from my work!"

"Well. I tried at least."

"Honestly Fuyumi, why do you even bother trying to get that bastard to come eat with us?" Natsuo asked as he stuffed a fried chicken ball with rice into his mouth. "Even if he gets paid all the money in the world I don't think that's enough to make him want to sit in the same room as us. We're nothing to him."

"I know I know, but, still. He's our dad. Is it wrong of me to think that there's hope for the possibility that we can all be a family again?"

"He burned that hope to Hell. Look at Shoto, and Mom. You really think all of this could just be undone and we simply forget everything that's ever happened to us?"

"I'm not saying we forget I'm saying we should....huhhhh, I don't even know what I wanna say anymore." Fuyumi sighed. "Just hoping for something good to come to us is all, but I guess that's just too much to hope for. Shoto, how's your training been going so far with the new system U.A did?"

"I'm handling myself, I don't need the presence of a hero to look after me while I train for the Sports Festival." Shoto answered. "Even without the Quirk of the old man I'll still take the top spot of the contest, I don't need his 'gift'."

"You said that U.A hired other pros to look after five or six of you students while you train right? Who did you manage to be put under?"


"Oh no way! Now he's pretty badass." Natsuo commented. "You should take a picture with him and send it to me."

"I hate pictures."

"You hate everything."

"I hate you."

"So does Dad."


While the two boys continued with the small talk over a sibling dinner, Fuyumi's phone vibrated from the pocket of her baggy sweatpants that she quickly reached for. Holding the phone just under the table she opened it to instantly be taken to a message thread between her and Midoriya, smiling as she quickly typed back a response about the combination of Saturn and a giant cat. It wasn't long before she heard her brothers cease in their talking and have it be replaced by Natsuo's quiet snickering, the sister furrowing her eyebrows in suspicion and looking across the table to the middle child. "Spill it Mr. Chuckles."

"Pffft, oh it's nothing big really." Natsuo replied. "Just think it's funny how everytime your boyfriend texts you it's not even a second later and you're already smiling at that phone of yours. Guess he's flirting it up real good with you over there."

"He's NOT, my boyfriend Natsuo I've already told you and I'm going to continue telling you for as long as it remains that way."

"As long as?"

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