VIII: Bedridden

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*click clack click*

Fingers typed across the keyboard of a laptop as in the massive courtyard of her home estate, Fuyumi sat with legs crossed on a bench and her laptop in her lap, a thermos of ice water beside her along with her phone playing lofi instrumental music. The moon shined high from the astral heavens above, stars twinkling from the great distance beyond a veil of darkness. In her opinion nights like these were the most beautiful to her, the contrast of faint white light with the black around it showed just how truly marvelous the universe could be and how grand some of the stars really are. Of course to others it just looks like a normal night sky but to an astronomy enthusiast such as Fuyumi this was a picture perfect sight.

Nearly done with her material for the next couple of classes Fuyumi sighed, pausing from typing so much on her keyboard and interlacing her knuckles to stretch and crack them. A plain white sweater with matching shorts was her attire out on this somewhat windy night, her hair every now and then managing to sneak their way inside the rim of her glasses to which she would brush away when it occurred. For the past several days now she's been in this same spot of the courtyard before going to bed, memories going through her head via the catalyst of a recent incident.

Tell 'em big brother Toya's waiting for them in Hell.

Toya. A name long remembered, yet long forgotten.

It has been what felt very similar to an eternity since Fuyumi has heard anybody say or even mutter the name of her older brother. So to one day head to a hospital where Midoriya had been admitted and be told that a stranger had told the student that same name, shocked was a colossal understatement. She was stunned, lost, confused, broken, any dark emotional description that would give her the proper manner in being able to explain how she felt the day of visiting the hospital. Dabi. She doesn't know any Dabi, does she? Childhood was a long time ago so perhaps maybe just maybe there was the smallest instance where that name appeared in her life but if it did, she doesn't remember.

Now that Toya's name has been unraveled from the sands of history, she can't stop thinking about everything that's happened to her and her siblings as a child. The nightmares, the yelling, the abuse, Natsuo clinging to her for dear life in the corner as Endeavor barked at their mother, Shoto's upbringing to be the ultimate prodigy, all of it. In the back of her mind was a vault that she thought had been sealed with the key thrown into the pits of oblivion but now that a single name has been mentioned it's all coming back to her now. And certainly not in a good way.

It was strange, her method in trying to get her mind off of the madness of her past. Even though she hasn't known him for longer than a month it was weird to her how Midoriya seemed almost like a comfort person to help her take her mind off of this. Currently in the hospital recuperating from a vicious attack while out training, she took it upon herself to text or call the student every day since then to see how he was holding up. Recovery Girl's efforts were quickly healing the damage done but Fuyumi knew the real struggle came in rehabilitating his body with something simple as moving. His face was still a little busted up, the burn injuries in his right forearm were difficult to make comfortable with and not to mention the horrible damage done to his left middle finger.

It felt too violent of an attack for this to be random, no, this was a personal affair between whoever Dabi was and the Todoroki family. Well she knew that already, the mention of Toya was a dead giveaway for this matter being a personal matter but if Dabi had business with the Todoroki's, why didn't he go after any of the siblings or even Endeavor himself. In her mind wouldn't it have been best to target everybody once they were gathered in the hospital? Not to mention, there's still the question of safety regarding her mother. She would dread it for eternity if she were to receive a call from hospital staff informing that her mother had been attacked.

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