Prologue: What's Your Name?!

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PSA: Reminder that Fuyumi is a short stack. Short height, plentiful in other areas.


"Welcome!" Said a young lady standing behind a cash register with a bright red colored apron over the front of her body.

Picking up a small shopping tote and waving at the young employee with a warm smile, Fuyumi hummed to herself as she wondered what exactly she would like to make tonight in honor of a special occasion. The occasion in topic? Her younger brother Shoto's first day at the prestigious U.A. To be honest the rest of her family could more than likely care less about why she's creating something special, more specifically her father and Shoto himself. But to her any special moment is a special moment to celebrate which calls for only the best of efforts and the finest of ingredients. Though, which ingredients to choose from is the question at hand.

With index and thumb fingers cupping the underside of her chin she thought about which recipe to whip out this time for dinner. Mapo tofu? No, she did that two days ago and it didn't turn out that well due to being a while since she last produced the recipe. She could try....sukiyaki? A dish that consists of thinly sliced meats and vegetables all swimming in a soup of sweet soy sauce flavored broth. Ooh that could be a good one, the only issue that sukiyaki is mostly accompanied by some form of noodle such as udon or even the rare choice of soba, and this specific marketplace doesn't carry udon which is bizarre..bizarre...

Todo's Bizarre Advent-

'Nooo, stop it.' Fuyumi chuckled as she shook away the goofy thought from her imagination. Ever since a few of her students have been going through an anime phase recently all they've been doing is reference several popular works whenever they could. Either through doodles on their classwork, speaking to each other during group efforts or performing weird 'attacks' during recess, the teacher was just unable to escape from the constant references.

Stopping by the produce section first Fuyumi tore off a small plastic bag from the dispensary to pick up a few green apples along the way. Thinking about it now, what exactly should she make? She wanted it to be special but at the same time she didn't want to be TOO exaggerated since it would just annoy her father and youngest brother on how elaborate the dinner was. As a part of the Todoroki family she loved them, she truly did, but at the same time she just wished things were different than how they are now. It would certainly be a lot easier if their mother was around that's for sure. Not only does she have to manage the chaos at home but the chaos of little kids at school? She needs a vacation.

As Fuyumi tied up the bag and threw it into her tote she looked up and froze immediately. On the other side of the aisle and picking up a few bananas was a young man wearing the U.A school uniform just like her youngest brother, placing the bananas in a tote like her own. When he was finished he also looked up, met her eye contact and froze as well. So now, there were TWO people on opposite sides of the produce aisle staring at each other for what felt like an eternity. It certainly had to be an interesting thing to watch for the person viewing the security cameras.

Why did she freeze exactly? She has absolutely no clue as to why her body decided to lock up like somebody pressed 'pause' on a remote that controlled her body. Was it the hair? The messy, green, ruffled up hair that stuck out on all directions yet somehow made them all the more attractive? No, that couldn't be it. Maybe it was the same color set of eyeballs that were unwavering yet they looked like they wanted to explode out of his own face from sheer overload. If it wasn't the eyeballs, then it HAD to be the diamond patterned duo of freckles on each side of his face to give him a somewhat unique feature in comparison to the rest of his plain appearance. He wasn't plain to the point of being boring, he was plain by today's standards where people can be born with a sword as a head.

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