VII: Hell's Child

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Two moments. Two crucial moments of time that would permanently change Midoriya's life for what would be the worse. The first moment everything was fine, aside from the fact that he has just been targeted by a stranger wielding a fire Quirk that was deep blue in color. But the very next he didn't even realize it happened until the overwhelming pain seared into the nerves of his body. He was so caught off guard by the reality of everything that he didn't have even the slightest of opportunities to react to the torrent of blue fire that shot towards him and engulfing his right hand. The feeling of Hell itself gripping the skin of his fingers and upper forearm.

The noise and heat of the attack was deafening as Midoriya rolled out to his left several moments too late. His right hand was caught in the flame, screaming out in the air at how hot his skin was being cooked, trying desperately to put it out with the sand and frantic slaps of his other hand.

"Awww what's wrong?" The stranger that called himself Dabi asked as he watched the student put out the fire on his hand. "Did I put a little too much heat on that one? Sorry about that, guess I should've set the rest of ya on fire so that you cook evenly. Medium rare or well done? I'll try and leave a little char on you."

Midoriya hissed through grit teeth once the last of the blue embers was put out, gripping his right forearm and trying to hold back the urge to yell. The damage on his right hand had been done, his skin emitting a sizzling noise as the pain was rampaging through the soft flesh underneath. Due to the pain in his nerves it hurt beyond anything he's ever felt just to even think about moving a muscle so he was forced to keep his hand permanently open. Not only was there an unbearable pain in his hand but his mind was another spot of absolute mayhem due to the thoughts running rampant. Who was this guy? Why was he targeting Midoriya? Judging by how powerful the fire was it's clear that he had every intention of incinerating the student where he stood, but for what purpose? Is he going to live to see another day?

"Who, who are you?!" Midoriya cried out. "What do you want from me?!"

"I told ya kid, name's Dabi. I'm hoping before you die you could tell me on how that name makes you feel but seeing as how you didn't roll out of the way from that blast fast enough to save your skin, you might not last long enough. As for why I'm doing this, meh, just bored really. I saw you on the news with that chick from the Todoroki family and I gotta say you're pretty famous."

"That, tchgrrrr, that was an accident! I didn't mean to harm or harass her on purpose! Are you a friend of hers?!"

"A friend? Pbbbt, nahhhh I wouldn't exactly say that." Dabi smirked with his hands raising and coating them in flames. "It gets a little personal when it comes to Fuyumi and I so if I were you I wouldn't bother with it kid. Just try and make this fun for me at least!"

'Fuyumi?' Midoriya thought as he leapt to his right to avoid being hit by a wave of fire. 'If he's using her first name, he has to be close with her. Is he her boyfriend, an ex?! What gives?!'

So many questions but the time needed to think about those questions would not be given instead needing the time to keep himself from turning into a giant scorchmark on the beach. If this Dabi character was attacking him with the legitimate intention to kill then the student couldn't afford to hold back, even if there was no authorized person to supervise the usage of his Quirk. But when it came to his own life, like Hell he was going to care about something like supervision. "Full Cowling!"

"Oh sweet, looks like you do have at least some form of a party trick." Dabi taunted after his target exploded with a lime green electric aura. The man swiped across the front with his right arm, scorching the ground with a slash-like formation of fire that was able to be jumped over by Midoriya. "Wonder how long you'll manage to keep that up though before I send you to Hell."

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