18: Do Your Best

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The Sports Festival, has finally arrived.


The classroom was eerily quiet, the ticking clock sounding like a drum beating to the call of battle. Each of the 1-A students awaited in their seats, some with a feverish impatience for the festivities to begin, others with concerns so heavy it felt like their guts had been exchanged for a lead cannonball. Among the ticks of the clocks were footsteps making their way towards the center podium, the bandaged Eraserhead slow in his approach to the belief for some that it was done so for suspense. Not that they believed he was the sort of instructor to have a flare for the theatrics, but he was not without a bit of cruelty. Like a mummy out of the tomb the teacher paced to the podium and nearly bumped into it but finally took his place, 'looking' at his roster of feverish students filled with pins and needles.

"Good morning everyone."


"The day of the Sports Festival's finally here, I hope you've all prepared properly. I won't spend too much time here seeing as how the sooner we can get you all over to the stadium the better, so just listen here.

You're all going to head down to the locker rooms once I dismiss you and get changed into your track uniforms. Once you're changed and you've secured your belongings, make your way over to the stadium so that we can begin with the introductions. As the day goes along the events of the festival will be revealed to those who have qualified to continue on to the next, as well as this year's referee. I should not have to remind you, your performance today is crucial not only for yourself, but to those who will be watching. Aside from the offer of internships given to those who catch the eye of a pro, your performance will also allow a hero to gauge your abilities when the time comes for a program our school has for the older students. You'll know more about that at a later time.

I understand some of you might be raring to go but I expect each of you to get changed in the locker rooms and make your way over to the stadium, QUIETLY. I don't want to hear about commotions or scuffles being caused because some of you can't handle whatever sort of energy you may have inside. Anybody who gets into a problem before the festival commences will be sent home immediately, understand?"


"Good, class dismissed. I'll see you all over there."


While the rest of his class stood out of their seats Midoriya reached into his pocket and held his phone underneath the desk, tapping it to see the buzzing notification.

One incoming call: Fuyumi

The first year smiled but quickly turned his screen downwards just as the footsteps of Shoto passed by on his left, watching the back of his head wondering if they were aware of the call. No turn around, thankfully. As his class began to bunch at the exit of the classroom Midoriya finally stood and slung his backpack onto his shoulders, answering the call but speaking quietly into the device. "Hi."

"Hi." Fuyumi whispered. "Sorry, is this a bad time?"

"No it's okay, I'm making my way down to the lockers with my class, I just don't want them hearing?"

"Oh, okay. Wait, why do I have to whisper?"

"I dunno."

Fuyumi giggled as Midoriya trailed a short ways behind his class to keep privacy, ignoring the weirdness of the skip in his chest. Ohhhh, man. How he loved hearing that laugh of hers. "Sorry, I dunno why I was thinking the entire room was gonna hear me. Unless, you're one of those people who walk around with a call on speaker mode."

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