11: Shining Star

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"Ow!" Midoriya winced with hands over his head. "What was the point of that test?"

"To see if that head of yours is still liable to feel any cane smacks I give to you in the future for breaking any of your bones again like an imbecile." Recovery Girl smirked. "Thankfully, it still is."

Midoriya can only curve an eyebrow at her answer as the U.A nurse hopped off the chair next to his bed and hobbled back to the door of his hospital room, Snipe and Vlad King present along with his mother who sat on the other side of his bed. "So, am I clear to leave the hospital now?"

"Well, I'm not seeing any outstanding issues that I need to be concerned about, the only thing I have worries for is that left middle finger of yours. But with my Quirk and the rehabilitation training you've been going through the injuries in that finger are healing in good speed, so long as you don't do anything stupid it should heal as good as new. There's no movement issues in your legs, your vision seems fine, there's nothing else that would keep you here."

"So in other words the calf's ready to leave the barn then." Snipe stated. "Lucky you."

"So, how is this going to work then?" Midoriya's mother asked. "Will my son be granted extra time to prepare for the Sports Festival? He hasn't had a day of training since the school's released the first years."

"Unfortunately, as much as I would prefer to grant your son additional time to prepare, the school won't allow it." Vlad King answered. "Principal Nezu is pushing to ensure that the first day of the Sports Festival is carried out no matter what. With the incident regarding your son and the attack on our USJ facility the time of the Sports Festival won't be deterred in order to show the villains that our spirit will not be deterred either. The amount of time that the first years have left to prepare for the Sports Festival is the same amount of time your son will have to prepare, forgive me."

The mother sighed. "I see..."

Her son twisted around to her direction and smiled. "It's okay Mom, I understand. I wouldn't want anything to be delayed because of me anyways plus I won't be held back the way I was before. My Quirk's changed now and with the amount of time I have left it's plenty for me to improve until the Sports Festival. I'll be okay, though, I heard from a friend of mine that everybody's been separated into groups to be looked over by a pro hero for their training. Will I also be put into one of these groups?"

"That was the plan." Snipe said. "But erm, ever since the lot of y'all been separated into your little herds the Principal's been pestered and bothered by somebody who's been insistin' on taking you under their supervision. When being asked as to why they're so persistent with the idea they merely answered with the notion of training and nothin' more. We figured it's a hell of a lot more than just training given recent incidents but we weren't goin' to hand you over without asking you about it first."

"Midoriya, Endeavor is requesting to hold you under his supervision for your training."

A twinge of a surge crackled through the first year's spine, followed by an eerie sensation that he was being watched by an infernal gaze from behind. "E-, Endeavor? Endeavor himself, is asking for me?"

"Yes, that is correct." Vlad confirmed. "Since the presets of heroes supervising your classmates have already been set in stone it was under my assumption that Endeavor's request would be turned down by Principal Nezu. But the Principal's asked that we tell you about the offer first before anything is said to Endeavor. My only guess is that with his placing on the hero board and being a former student of U.A that's enough reason for the Principal to feel trusting towards him. But, that's just my assumption."

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